Confess and Lose

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Mori's POV

It's been two days since Alaria has returned to us. She hasn't spoken to any of us, and she refuses to eat.

Kyoya left the room and sighed. "Go ahead..." He was exhausted, I could tell. He rubbed the back of his neck as he left. "Oh, and she's finally asleep... In the window seat." I nodded and waited until he left to enter her room.

The curtains were pulled over the window seat, one of Alaria's feet on the floor through the curtains. I sighed and shut the door, relieved that she was sleeping. I just had to get her to eat now.

I silently pulled back the curtain and looked at her. Her head was turned towards the window, leaning on a pillow. Her right leg was against the window, her left one to the side. Her arms were over her left side, her injured one, protecting it. A book was lain on her stomach.

Despite knowing she'd probably kill me if she saw me picking it up and reading it, I did. It was a dark purple color with no title.

"Dear Diary,

I failed Haruhi. Again. How was I so stupid to not have kept moving after reading that letter? I can't believe I let Kyoya find me.

I haven't eaten in two days. Not that I'm forcing myself not to, I just have no appetite. And speaking, that's my forcing myself. I refuse to talk to any of them. If I start talking, I'll get all emotional. And that's the last thing I need.

I feel so... Numb. Slowly and gradually it's getting worse. Yesterday, I felt no happiness or fear. Today, I feel no emotions. I'm afraid that, by tomorrow, I'll begin to lose physical pain.

What if I do die? I heard Mori and Kyoya talking about me outside earlier, and, though I know I should be scared, I feel nothing. I think.. I think I welcome it.


She heard us? She wasn't scared? At all? That surely would've scared me...

This poor, innocent girl. She had done nothing wrong. I turned the page to find another entry.

"Dear Diary,

I can't sleep. I won't. I don't want to see Haruhi die again. I don't want to feel my mother beating me. And I don't want to watch my father drown next to me as a seven year old.

So I'll just pace and sit, maybe just watch and listen. My throat feels foreign. I suppose it's because I haven't spoken to others in such a long while...

Jace. Whatever did happen to him? I honestly couldn't believe I left him there. But, after what he did, what we did, I wasn't sure if I could stay. I'm still not sure if the feelings he gave me were good or bad. But I left, and I only wonder where he is now." I paused as the doorbell rang, then continued to read; Kyoya or someone would get it.

"I really want to talk to Mori. I want to tell him how I feel about him, and I want to know if he feels the same way. I'm anxious, almost eager to pounce on him every time he enters the room. But I keep my cool and I keep quiet."

A knock on the door makes me put the diary down. Kyoya opens the door, a guest beside him. "Mori, this is Jace. He wanted to see--" He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence.

I dropped the diary and turned to Jace, grabbing his neck and holding him against the wall. Kyoya gaped at me. "What did you and Alaria do?" I growled. Jace's eyes widened. "W-What are you t-talking about!" I pointed at the diary. "She wrote you and her did something! What! Did! You! Do!" Jace stuttered, trying to find words.

"Mori...?" I turned around, staring at Alaria. Her eyes widened when she saw Jace. "Jace!" She seemed to try to shrink into the window seat.


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