The Heart Knows

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Kyoya's POV

I sat down in the living room, my hands on my forehead, pushing my hair back. I was frustrated and aggravated, both of which at myself.

How could I just waltz up to her and kiss her like that? What was wrong with me? She just for back home to recover, not be confused by my feelings! And what did I think I was doing, confessing my love to her? There's something wrong with me.

Alaria hadn't left the kitchen yet, and I was sure she was going to be staying there for a while. If she told Mori, I could guarantee my own death. Mori did not joke around when it came to her. I could only hope and pray she didn't tell Mori about this.

I remember the first day she spent at my house, and she showered. When she got out, she slipped and fell on her side. I'd told her I wasn't a pervert, and she'd trusted me. And all of that ended up in us kissing. We'd kissed, what, twice while she was with Koaru, and now, here I was, kissing her while she was with Mori.

I must have a death wish.


Alaria's POV

I would not utter a single word to Mori about this kiss. It was like Kyoya was trying to lure me into falling in love with him again, and it was working.

My fingers hovered over my lips, which tingled slightly from the touch of his own. I put my shaking hand back on the edge of the counter, trembling slightly. My heart wouldn't stop fluttering. Part of me wanted to run into the other room and tackle Kyoya, love him and let him know that I did, but the other part of me was telling me to stay loyal to Mori, even if my feelings for Kyoya were stronger.

Silently, I made my way to the living room, finding Kyoya there, his elbows on his knees, hands trapped in his hair. He looked so frustrated and confused, I just wanted to let him know how I felt. Deciding that I could at least comfort him, I kneeled in front of him and touched his forearms. He looked at me, and I saw it wasn't Kyoya anymore, but Jace. I hid my shock, fighting to convince myself that it was Kyoya, not Jace. He murmured something, a tear falling from his shining eye, and the hallucination melted away. "What?" I whispered calmly. He shut his eyes tight and curled his fists around his hair; it looked painful. "It's torture." He whimpered. I'd never heard Kyoya so vulnerable. My lips parted in shock, and I couldn't help but tear up myself. "What is, Kyoya?" He shook his head, gasping in air. "The pain. In my chest." One of his hands slid to his chest, pressing there as if the pressure would stop the pain. I bit my lip, careful not to make it bleed.

My heart trembled, seeing Kyoya like this. This side of him was new to me. Gingerly, I placed my hand over the one on his chest, the other on his cheek. "Kyoya," My voice cracked, a silent tear making its way down my cheek slowly. He looked up at me, locking our fingers together over his chest. "I caused you all this pain, didn't I?" I questioned, my lip quivering. Not wanting to answer, he looked back down at his knees, fighting more tears. I gently pushed his chin up so that he was looking at me. I opened my mouth to speak, but the front door opened and Tamaki exclaimed, "We're home!" I pulled Kyoya up. "Go to the bathroom and wash up, okay? I'll talk to you later." He nodded, a vulnerable look in his eye, as he headed for the bathroom.

"Alaria?" Mori's voice called. "In the living room, guys!" I shook my head, chasing away the dark hallucinations hovering in the shadows. Mori smiled when he saw me, and crossed the room to hug me. His embrace was warm and welcome, but my heart was still bound tight from the sight of Kyoya's tears.


It had been hours since Kyoya kissed me, and everyone was in bed asleep. Except Mori. He was downstairs, asleep on the couch, while I sat on my bed, crying and trembling in fear.

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