Wedding Bells

804 42 18

Kyoya's POV

My stomach churned in anticipation. My father and brothers were away on business, and Tamaki's father was too busy with preparations for the next school year. But that wasn't what was on my mind.

Alaria was, who would be walking down the aisle gracefully any moment now.

Tamaki, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori, and Hunni were all grinning cheesily, just as excited about this marriage as I was. I looked, and not for the first time, at the audience. I hadn't invited anyone, but there were still easily over twenty people here. Haruhi's father, relatives of the twins, relatives of Mori, and of Hunni, and even a few of Tamaki's other friends. I hadn't expected but a few people, maybe five. So this was a bit overwhelming.

"You alright, Kyoya?" I heard Tamaki whisper, "You look a bit pale." I nodded, smiling softly at the thought of Alaria becoming my wife. Tamaki chuckled. "There; you look brighter now." I felt my cheeks warm as a blush spread, and the sight set Tamaki to giggles.

We were all in a park. Not just any park, however, but the park where Haruhi saved Alaria's life. She sought it only appropriate to celebrate our marriage where Haruhi gave her life for her. She never really explained why, but I hadn't bothered to ask.

The park was decorated in traditional white, streamers hanging in the trees, a white carpet rolled over the ground for Alaria to walk down. The chairs were white, with white balloons attached to the top of them. A white table was set up to the side, a small wedding cake standing perfectly upon it. The sun was up high, and I was suddenly regretting black tuxes. I wasn't sure what Alaria was wearing, but I hoped, for her sake, that the dress wasn't long.

As I glanced over the crowd once again, I noticed Haruhi's father give me a thumbs up. Then, he frowned, and slid his finger over his throat. I blinked, then paled in fear. I'd forgotten how Haruhi's father considered Alaria a daughter.

Was it too late to back out?

The clock tower about two hundred feet behind me chimed fourteen times, I counted, before the piano music began to play. A slight breeze blew, relieving us from the searing heat, and blowing white and pink flower petals over the aisle. It looked like a movie scene.

Alaria made her way to the aisle alone, bu smiling all the same. Her dress looked like a Sunday church dress; it came up to her knees and frilled slightly. The dress complimented every curve of her body, and her hair was curled to the side perfectly. Her eyes were shining like jewels, and the sun made her skin look like porcelain. No one would've guessed she'd been through virtual hell for almost a year.

But we did, which was what brought tears to my eyes, as well as to the other boys'.

With a gracefulness I'd only ever seen in her, Alaria made her way down the aisle. The bouquet of white and purple flowers danced in the wind, brushing against her torso. She didn't seem to notice, however, due to the fact that she was glancing at the crowd from the corners of her eyes.

Did she not like crowds? She'd never said anything about it.

Alaria beamed at me once she made it to my side. I managed a smile back, and we turned to the woman who would be announcing us "man and wife".

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sign of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

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