Old Friend

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Alaria's POV

My eyes flew open to the sound of feet shuffling through the snow outside the hunting cabin. I stood silently, glancing around the cabin for any sort of weapon. I heard the door open and cursed under my breath as I hid in the far corner.

"Hm. She's gone?"

It was a male's voice. It seemed roughly familiar, though I couldn't put my finger on it. Who was this? And how long had he known I was here? I should've known not to light that fire! I've probably given away my location to the boys.

"Alaria... I know you're here somewhere."

That was definitely not Mori. Or Kyoya. It couldn't be Tamaki either. Who was that?

"Come on, Alaria. It's just me, Jace."

Oh. That ginger I met. He was at my mother's funeral.

Now more comfortable with everything, I step out from the corner. He smiles gently at me, but I don't return it. "How did you find me?" My voice is very defensive, protective, even. Jace looks confused. "I followed you. I was shouting your name; I couldn't let you walk out in a blizzard like that." My expression doesn't change.

"Who else is here?"

"Just me."

"Have you told anyone I'm here?"

"No. It didn't seem as if you wanted anyone knowing-"

"You're correct about that." I grumbled. I sat down at the dusty table in the dining room. He sat down across from me quietly. The room is quiet, keep for the sound of cardinals scartching along the roof. "I heard about Haruhi-" I shake my head, tears springing to my eyes. What a way to start a morning. "I don't want to talk about it, Jace." I immediately stopped that conversation. "I just wanted to give you my sympathy. I apologize." He sounded much like Kyoya. So much so, that I looked up at him in shock.

He took it as no one's ever given me their sympathy.

Jace looked out the window, seeming to have taken new interest in the snow still falling. "I hope you were not considering moving on." I arch a brow at him. "And why is that?" I challenge. I have a feeling this is going to end in an argument. "I simply won't let you." I do not reply. He turns to me and leans on the table a little. "Do you know how much you mean to everyone around you? I bet those hosts would give anything right now just to see you safe." He shakes his head and stands, walking to my side. "And you already mean so much to me, Alaria. I can only imagine how much pain the hosts are going through."

I was now extremely reluctant to leave. But I was even mroe reluctant to stay. I stood. "I have something very important to accomplish before I return to the hosts." I turn away from him, grabbed the few things I'd brought, and headed for the door. "So if you don't mind--" I was pushed against the wall, a chest pressed against my back. "You aren't going anywhere, Alaria. You can't. I won't let you." I would've kneed him between the legs, had he not had one of his knees bent so that it stretched across my calves.

Not only was this frustrating, it was also awkward.

He turned me around, keeping that same knee bent and stretched over my knees so I couldn't knee him. He had my arms pinned over my head. I smirked and pushed him backwards, but he leaned to the side so that we both landed on the dusty, old couch beside us. Or, rather, I hit the arm of the couch and we flipped twice; he was straddling me. This was now extremely uncomfrotable. But I didn't struggle; I knew he had me caught. "So, what're you going to do? Bribe me?" He smirked. "Anything to get you to stay here." I scoffed. "There's nothing you could bribe me with that would make me stay here!" I shook my head. "Look, it's not you. You're a really cool guy. I just have something I need to finish."

Something shined in his eyes, an emotion I've only seen in players before. Although I've also seen them in couples, it was rare. "Finish?" He chuckled and, when he talked once more, his voice was more seductive. "I have something I want to begin." His expression was much softer. His eyes were filled with passion and love. I shook my head and looked away, leaning my head away from him. But he leaned down and planted soft, gentle kisses on my neck.

The sensations that came along with his kisses made me shiver. Jace was slowly making his way down my jaw, to the sensitive skin where my neck and shoulder meet. I shuddered uncontrollably as he attacked the skin there, licking and nipping. I felt like a different person as a moan escaped my lips.

There was a part of me that was screaming to fight him. But there was a larger part begging me to stay where I was and let him go about what he was doing.

He looked up at me with innocent eyes as he made his way to my chest, right at the v-neck of my shirt. I shivered once again. But that was where he stopped. He turned my head and kissed my lips.  When he broke the kiss, he leaned into my ear and whispered, "We aren't finished." But stood and helped me up.

By now, I was completely breathless.

Not only had he -- pretty much -- made out with me, he was trying to keep me here. And I was letting him do it.

"Now, if you want to go, go right ahead." He pulled me to his chest. "But if you stay, I'll always be here." That was his one mistake. I knew this was going to shock him. I knew this was going to hurt him. But he's a man. He can take it. "Goodbye, Jace." I whispered and grabbed my things. At first, I left with a walk in the snow. Then my walk transformed to a sprint on any surface not covered in snow.

I ran along snow-less logs and rocks, jumped across creeks and streams, and hopped along stone paths until I was sure Jace would have no idea where I was.

I fingered the envelope in my pocket, the one I grabbed right before I left the door. The one laying at the open window.

A dry log made a nice seat as I opened the letter, not sure whether I expected one from "I" or the post man.


Did you think that, by leaving the mansion, you'd stop getting these letters? You're rather hilarious, Ms. Mae, to think that I'd stop chasing you down.

You're probably wondering why I still am following you. Well, the answer is simple;

You defied me. You did not surrender my only wish. See, had you given up on Kaoru while Haruhi was still alive, none of this would've happened. Especially not to poor, poor Haruhi.

Do you think she forgives you? Oh, if you do, then you are horribly mistaken, dear! I hope you haven't gotten your hopes too high for your forgiveness.

How was the blizzard? Was it cold? Like your heart?

I'll always follow you,

"I" "

This is the kind of thing I was expecting. But, what I wasn't expecting, was for my mind to come up with a clue for where Haruhi's murderer was;

In order for "I" to get me the letters, either she or someone working for her is always following me, prepared to give me another letter as I sleep. That means they're close right. Now. That also means that, if I stay awake for the following nights, I should be able to catch the sender.

My plan is made. Now, all I need is a place to set it up.


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