Coffin Number Two

730 42 13

Alaria's POV

I woke up to an empty house. Kyoya, Mori, Honey, Tamaki, Kaoru, Hikaru, everyone was gone. There wasn't even a note.

Before I got worked up, I pushed myself down the stairs and made myself some breakfast. This house had been slowly begun to feel like home, and I loved it.

My breakfast consisted of pancakes and bacon, both of which I are greedily. It wasn't too large a breakfast, but it wasn't small either. So I finished it quickly, then put my dishes in the sink.

I walked into the den and lit the fireplace. Outside, Calone neighed in alarm. I frowned, then jumped when I heard the front door swing open quietly.

What was that?

"Lari! It's me, Hikaru!" The Hitachiin twin called. I sighed in relief and followed Hikaru's voice into the main hallway. Oddly, he was alone.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You scared me, Hikaru!" He chuckled. "Don't worry! It's just me." I nodded and released him.

Hikaru walked into the kitchen quietly, opened the refrigerator, and fished around. I blinked in confusion, then retreated to my room.

Kyoya's scent still lay over my sheets, and I lay in my bed, missing him. I could go ask Hikaru where everyone went, but something seemed weird with him. Something was off, really, but I could be acting stupid and not know what I'm talking about.

I listened as Hikaru's footsteps came up the stairs and into a bedroom, the door shutting behind him. I took this time to reluctantly leave my bed and head outside.

With a mere whistle, Chalone galloped to the fence of her pasture. I smiled and rubbed her neck. She whinnied in appreciation, and I laughed.

Before I knew it, I was on Chalone's bare back, hanging on to her mane whilst she happily trotted through the large pasture. It was one of the very few happy things I got nowadays, so I took advantage of it.

I gave no general direction to Chalone, but she took her own way to the back of the pasture, where there was a large lake.

There, Kyoya stood on a short dock, smiling at Chalone and I. The others sat on the shore patiently. Kyoya took Chalone's side and helped me down from her. "I was hoping you'd choose to ride her." He murmured. I beamed.

"What's all this, Kyoya?" I asked quietly, holding his hand as we made our way to the dock. He shrugged. He seemed tense and nervous.

What was I getting myself into this time?

Kyoya sat down on the end of the dock, and I listened as the others got up and left. We were alone now, and the silence was all too suspenseful.

It took about five minutes of us gazing out at the lake for Kyoya to hand me a box. It was small and black, and had rounded corners. Slowly, I opened it, my heart in my throat.

Inside, there was a silver ring, a small diamond on top. "This may be a bit soon, but, will you marry me, Alaria?"

My heart stopped. I felt my head move up and down, then I broke into a smile. "Yes! Oh my God, yes, Kyoya!" I watched with excitement as Kyoya slipped the ring onto my left ring finger, then tackled him, laughing. He laughed with me, wrapping his arms around my back.

"I love you, Lari." He whispered in my ear. "I love you too, Kyoya." I whispered back, a smile plastered to my face.


The rest of the afternoon was a blur. For the reason of Kyoya's family, we decided to get married in two weeks. We knew this was really rushing things, and we were both very hesitant to, but we knew Kyoya's father was going on another business trip in two weeks, so it fit perfectly.

I remember Tamaki, the twins, Hunni, and Mori were ecstatic about our marriage. Well, Mori wasn't as happy as the others, but he gave us his effort of being happy. I really enjoyed that.

The entirety of the week was spent shopping for my dress, which I did alone, decorations of the wedding, catering, and finding the location for the wedding. This all spilled into the next Tuesday, and our wedding was that Thursday. I had one invitation I wanted to send, one very important one, in person.

I knocked on the familiar door, memories rushing at me all at once. I wasn't sure whether to be comfortable or nervous, but I was here and I didn't want to chicken out.

The door opened, revealing Haruhi's dad. He gaped at me, then smiled. "Alaria! Hello! Come in, come in!" He said, opening the door wider. I smiled at him and walked inside, kicking my shoes off.

"Uh. I actually came here to give you some really good news." I said, leaning against the counter. "Go ahead!"

I handed him the invitation, blushing slightly. He took it, opened it, and read over it.

He looked at me with a raised brow. "If you expected me to not come, you're very wrong." He said. I smiled and hugged him. "Congratulations, Lari! I never expected you to get married so soon!" He hugged me back.

When I left, I had a really warm feeling in my heart, and I lightheaded with happiness.

I felt myself send loneliness to its grave in a magnificent coffin, a grave I would visit only to remind myself of how I became myself.


This is pretty much a filler! I teased you, I know! No sadness in this chapter! But will it stay that way?

Anyway, the next chapter will be MUCH longer, and, if I'm not brain-fried, much more descriptive!

Sorry for the short chapter!


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