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Alaria's POV

The doctors finally announced me legible to leave the hospital. Mori and Kyoya took care of the papers, and the twins helped me to the limo. Hunni followed closely, blabbering on and on about how happy he was that I was back, and that, if he could, he'd beat the life out of Glitch.

All I could think about was what the doctor said before I left;

"PTSD is a very common side effect of things like what you went through. So take it easy."

The limo drove Tamaki, Hunni, the twins, Kyoya, and Mori back to my house. I wasn't sure what I'd be like there; if I'd immediately break down or not.

My house was just as normal as ever. Chalone was in her pasture, neighing. I hoped someone had been taking care of her. Mori walked me inside, and I noticed that everything was clean and tidy. "Are you hungry, Lari?" I shook my head, exhausted. "No. I-I'm exhausted." Mori nodded. "Alright. Well, come on, then. We're all going to stay here with you; don't you worry about a thing." He walked with me up the stairs and into my bedroom. My bed was made, not how I left it. It didn't matter now. It'd been, what, two weeks?

I lay down quietly, pulling the blanket up to my side. Mori walked to the door and opened it, as if to leave. "Wait! Mori!" I called before he could leave. He turned around. "Yes?" I trembled in fear. "Would you stay with me?" Mori didn't even hesitate to shut the door and lay down in bed with me, wrapping his arms around me. "I won't ever leave you, if that's what you want." He murmured as I drifted off into another restless sleep.



I sat up, into Mori's arms. He looked very concerned as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm... I'm sorry, Mori!" I cried against his bare shoulder. He shook his head against my neck. "Don't apologize. Please." He sounded like he was going to cry. His grip on me tightened and my grip did the same.

We stayed like that for a long time, until Mori pulled away and I closed my eyes. Mori hugged me close to him, barely rocking, but rocking all the same. He continued this until I fell asleep in his arms, and even then, I think, he didn't stop rocking.



The room was dark, damp, and cold. I shut my eyes, already knowing where I was.

"Well, well! Look at you! Trembling in fear, sick and cold! Dying ever so slowly!" Glitch mocked from behind me. "Just get it over with!" I hissed. She barked out a hideous laugh and I cringed. "Ah! So tough! But you cringe at the sound of my voice, and you'll cring when I get out of prison and torture you. I'll torture you slowly, oh so slowly, until you die. Maybe, just maybe, I'll even let Mori watch!"

I gasped and turned as much as I could. "Leave him alone!" She snickered. "Or what! What can you possibly do to me?" As she finished her sentence, she brought the whip down on my back, and I screamed.


Hands. Pushing, shoving, grabbing my arms. "No! Please! No, leave me alone!" I kicked and thrashed, fighting as hard as I could until the pain planted everywhere on my body began to exhaust me, and then I still fought.

"Alaria! Alaria, please! It's me, Tamaki!"

I barely heard his words, barely understood them. I pushed myself away from the hands and closer to the other side of the bed. "Alaria! Stop! Don't--!"

With another kick, I fell off the side of the bed. I landed on my side and hissed. "Ah..." I managed to stand and stumble closer to the wall. "D-Don't... Don't touch me!" I pressed myself against the wall and put my hands up to protect myself. After a few moments of silence, I looked up.

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