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Mori's POV

Alaria was upstairs again. Whether she was sleeping or just staring out the window, I have no idea. All I knew was that, downstairs, it was so quiet, I was close to ripping my own skull out.

Tamaki was slowly falling asleep on the couch, his back against the cushions. He was pretty close to snoring, actually. He was pretty tired.

Kyoya was staring at the fire curiously, as if something had happened there that he could not explain. "What's the matter, Kyoya?" Why was I beginning to talk so much? Kyoya turned to me, an eyebrow arched. "Oh? Nothing. Just.. Alaria seemed to have noticed something in the fire a few days ago." His voice faded away in thought. I simply nodded and looked at Hunni, who was asleep beside me.

How was he going to be able to deal with me not by his side? It was already hard enough for him to stay here as long as he has. I couldn't even ask how he was without getting a betrayed look from him. But Alaria was in a much worse position than him, and I would take his glare over Alaria's death any day.

I sighed and stood, heading up the stairs. I would at least go check on her; see if she's alright. At least she wouldn't glare at me.

Her room was extremely quiet. I wasn't even sure I heard breathing from inside, which scared me. If she died... I knocked on the door to rid my mind of its retched thoughts.

But there was no reply.

I burst open the door. She wasn't sitting on the bed. She wasn't in the closet. She wasn't at the dresser or vanity. Where the hell was she!?

I searched and searched and searched, until I finally realized that the window was open. On the window seat was a note. I picked it up and read it.

"Whoever Finds This,

Well, I'm gone. I'm not dead. But I can't guarentee I won't be by the end of this. Just don't worry too much. I'm strong. I can handle this! And if I die in the process, I'll have died avenging Haruhi.

I'm going to find Haruhi's murderer. I will bring her to her knees, and she will pay. I will come back, whether in a casket or alive, I don't know yet. But I will be back. And you will see me again.

My deepest apologies,

Alaria Mae"

Under that note were six more. I glanced at each of them. There was one note for each of us. I picked out the one she wrote for me.


You were there for me when I needed you. You were there to comfort me, and I've left you now. This may hurt, but I know you can be strong through this. At least for a little while. Don't let the others come looking for me; they'll only argue with me and tell me that what I'm doing is pathetically stupid. If I want any of you to find me, which I hope you don't search, I hope it's you. Because you'll understand. I know you will.

You know I'm not stupid, which means you know I didn't bring my phone so that you could track me. I'll call you from public payphones, of course. I'll check in. But I'll never be in the same place for more than one day.

Just, for me, remember this;

"The amount of grains of sand on a beach are nothing compared to that of the number of the stars in the sky."


Alaria Mae"

I folded up the letter and pulled out my phone. I dialed Kaoru and asked he come over immediately. I ran down the stairs, all the letters in my hands. I jogged to Tamaki's side and woke him, doing the same to Hunni.

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