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Alaria's POV

Mori pressed his lips to mine again gently as we stood in the doorway. I had finished unpacking, and everything was set to normal. I'd almost completely forgotten about the letters.


A sigh broke my thoughts into fragments of imagination. "I really don't want to leave." A bubbly giggle escaped my lips. "Well, no one ever said you had to." I glanced over his shoulder and frowned. "Besides Hunni. He may be a challenge to convince." Mori grunted, a smirk on his face. "I'd better go. I'll come over later, when Hunni's napping." I nodded once and pressed my hand on his chest. "I'll see you then."

With a desperate frown, Mori turned around and walked to the limo with Hunni. I smiled sadly and turned and closed the front door.

I marched into the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets for something to eat. I finally found some cereal and shrugged, pouring it into an orange bowl and pouring milk over it. When I opened the drawer to grab a spoon, the doorbell rang.

My head shot up; the boys just left. I walked to the door curiously and peeked out the window. I opened the door with a kind smile.

"Jace! What're you doing here?"

His hand brushed through his crimson hair as he chuckled. "News spreads! Heard you got a new house and I wanted to come and... Ya know... Get situated." I smiled and let him inside. "I'm sorry! The boys already got everything unpacked for me. Thanks though." He nodded and looked around. "Nice place." I smiled and explained how Tamaki had bought the house for me, but I didn't go too much into detail.

"Would you like something to eat?" I asked politely, facing him from the other side of the counter. He shook his head with a smile. "No. Thanks, but I already ate." An awkward silence fell over the kitchen.

I offered Jace a seat, and he sat slowly. Ignoring my cereal, I sat across from him at teh tabel and watched him.

He looked very tired; he had dark bags under his eyes. He was also pretty pale, making his crimson hair look darker and more like blood. His hair wasn't neat, either, as it usually is. It had a bit of a frizz that he hadn't noticed. Not only those, but he had a habit of rapping on the table with finger nails and bouncing his leg.

After this went on for about five minutes, I sighed and asked, "What's bothering you?" Jace's expression altered depressively. "How do I explain this?" He stood, not bothering to push his chair back under the table. I tensed, and quickly relaxed so he wouldn't notice. "I've been working, and I've got an employee. She isn't very... Happy. Something happened and--" His arms were either side of me now, palms down on the table. "She wants to retaliate, but I told her she couldn't. That she shouldn't. Wouldn't, even." His cool breath blew on my neck, making me shiver. "She pretends to be okay, but I know better. I can see right through her. I don't know if what I'm doing is good." My tension was completely oblivious. "Or maybe it isn't even right. But, what I do know, is that what I'm going to do is going to end up hurting us all. But it's what I have to do."

Before I could turn around and ask what he was talking about, a rag was placed against my mouth and nose. Jace held my arms so I couldn't fight. Instead of breathing immediately, I held my breath as long as I could. When I did take breaths, they were deep and slow, and the drugs began to take effect when everything faded into darkness.


Mori's POV

My phone clamped shut and I sighed. A maid had informed me of Hunni's deep sleeping.

Honestly, I hated to have to leave him there. All alone. But Alaria, at teh moment, meant so much more to me.

Now, with the limo in Alaria's driveway, something felt wrong. Very wrong. Could it be becuase I left Hunni for Alaria? That I was being so selfish? I shrugged it off and got out of the limo.

The first thing I noticed was very recent tire tracks. They weren't a limo's, this was different. And they were much more recent and rushed. I froze in my tracks and looked at the front door.

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