New Home

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Alaria's POV

I smoothed down Tamaki's hair where it stuck up from sleep. He was waking, occasionally opening his eyes then closing them again. He was still on the couch from where I left him, but he wouldn't be for long.

Kyoya seemed to melt into the environment, almost camoflauged. He sighed as he began to speak. "We have a problem, Lari." I clenched my jaw at the nickname. "My father will be returning home, as will Tamaki's. If he finds I've had all of you here... And if Tamaki's father knows..." He sighed once more. I nodded once. "I understand completely." I smiled down at Tamaki. "He gave me keys to a car and a house, both of which he bought for me." I chuckled weakly with a shrug. "Said Colane was already in the stable there. I guess I'll head over there. Get all my stuff from... Home."

The room ws quiet for a moment before Tamaki sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What? What did I miss?" I saw, though, that he wasn't rubbing his eyes. He was rubbing away tears. I hugged him. "Your father and Kyoya's father will be returning home. I'll be getting my things from my old house and moving them into the one you bought me." He opened his mouth and I giggled. "Yes, I'll be using the car you bought me."

Kyoya tapped my shoulder. "They won't be returning until next week, so perhaps we could all help you get settled in?" I smiled and nodded. "Sure." Kyoya left the room to tell the twins, Mori-Senpai, and Hunni-Senpai. Tamaki stood up, stretching. "Ah. So, you wanna go ahead and head out?" He sounded awfully enthusiastic. I laughed and shook my head. "There they are. We can all head over to my house and box things up."


It took us the rest of the day to get everything boxed up and moved to the new house. My new home was isolated in the woods. The yard was the size of half of a football field, and was mostly wildflowers and a few trees. The house itself was gorgeous; a pale purple, three story house. The staircase to the front door spiraled, creating a fantasy-like look to it. It had a balcony connected to the master bedroom, which was on the third floor.

We started unpacking things, starting with the kitchen. Mori, Kyoya, and Tamaki helped move the refridgerator into the right spot. I grabbed the coffee machine. Hikaru managed the micorwave, and Kaoru and Hunni put the boxes into the right room; my clothes went into the master bedroom, toiletries went into my master bedroom, etc.

After the dishes were sorted out in the cabinets, we went about getting furniture in the living room set up. We'd taken the only wall-mounted t.v. from my house and mounted it on the wall in front of the white couch. A large fireplace was to the right of the couch. A loveseat and a recliner were side-by-side to the left of the couch. A glass coffee table was in the middle of the room, right in front of the couch. I left the pictures in their box for the time being.

Next was my bedroom. But I did that by myself. Not only did I not want the boys going through all of my clothes and "personal things", but I also wanted some time to myself to think.

When I got to the master bedroom, I sighed. Mori and Tamaki were just finishing putting up the mattress. They smiled when they saw me, then nodded and left. I shut the door behind them, suitcases beside me. I sorted out the clothes and put them away in the dresser, hanging up dresses and such in the large, walk-in closet.

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