The Hint

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Alaria's POV


"Damn!" I hissed, blinking to keep tears from falling. The whip stopped suddenly, but I knew this wasn't the end. The back of Glitch's hand met my face, and she laughed as I set my jaw.

By the time Glitch was done abusing me, I couldn't but barely move. I stood with an agonized groan and the world tilted to the side, then faded into darkness.

All I heard before I knew I was out, was Jace screaming name, and Haruhi telling me that everything was going to be okay.


Kyoya's POV

Pace, pace, pace, pace, and even more pacing. That's all I did. The squad was finished interrogating and informed me that they'd be beginning the search now. But that wasn't enough for me. And I doubted it was enough for Mori.

How could we have left her alone like that? She was already going through so much... But why would someone kidnap her? I just don't get it!

Nothing seemed in place here. The horse was in the pasture now, and Tamaki was with her, trying to keep his mind off things. We knew that if he focused too hard on all of this, it would only end in his falling apart. And we didn't need that now, especially not Tamaki.


Alaria's POV

I woke to sound of a pained groan, and the obnoxious giggling of a familiar girl. "Shut it, Glitch!" Jace was there, holding me. "Alaria! Alaria? Are you awake?" I blinked open my eyes and closed them again. He now knew I was definitely alive.


"Can I beat her again, Jace? I'm itching to!" A growl, and I knew it came from Jace. "Damn you! She just collapsed you oblivious bitch!" She hummed a very smug hum. "Oh, really? What'll you do, call the police on me? Oh, but then they'd figure out your deepest darkest secret!" It grew quiet.

I rasped in a breath. "Can you... Just leave me... Out of this...?" My words were parted only by my breathing. I opened my eyes once more and watched as Jace nodded once and lay me down on a mattress. Soon, the lights were out and a door closed.

Haruhi appeared next to me, her pale arm on my wrist. "I'm going to get help, Lari. Please, hang in there." I chuckled coldly. "No one can help me now, Haruhi." I rolled over with a grunt and slowly fell asleep.


Mori's POV

I used to be able to hear Kyoya's pacing, but it became so normal that it seemed to become a part of nature's sounds. I sighed and paced myself in the kitchen. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. If I didn't stop, I was sure to leave a trail in the tile. But I really didn't care. All I cared about was Alaria.

I'd let her down, left her alone. I'd had a bad feeling the second I left. Why didn't I just trust it and stay with her? What could they be doing to her right now? Oh just the thought of her injured makes me want to--


A feminine whisper grasped my attention and I turned to the table where the whisper came from. At first, I didn't see anything, but then it got clearer, and I saw Haruhi. I gasped, gaping. "Ha-Haruhi?!" She smiled, then frowned. "I don't have much time to explain this... Please, you have to help Alaria..." I nodded. "I know! I know! Kyoya's got his squad--"

"No! They won't be enough... They won't find her, I know it..." Her voice was like the wind, a mere whisper in the quiet room. "Haruhi, then tell me where she is! Please!" She nodded. "I... I have to go now... Mori, she's hurt... Badly... Hurry... They hid her in a cement building... Away... From town..." She seemed to be struggling to say the words. "Find her... Hurry!" Her voice rose to a desperate whine before she disappeared completely.

I stood there in shock. "Haruhi!" I called, but she did not return.

Kyoya rushed into the room. "What? Why're you calling for her, Mori?" I shook my head. "No. No time for that! Get your squad!" He looked at me as if I were insane. "Now!" With that, he ran out of the room and to the squad leader.


This is a pretty short chapter and I apologize! This was kind of last second today and I'm very sorry! Anyway, for those of you who don't know, Venom will be updated every Wednesday. I hope, by updating chapters of different stories everyday, I will avoid writer's block and move on with the story peacefully!

Also, I don't know if I'm going to make a third book in this series, but I'm thinking about it.

Thanks, guys! Love y'all! <3 :* /MWAH\


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