Best Christmas Ever?

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Alaria's POV

I woke up slowly, a dull, internal pain in my lower body. I sat up, pulling the blanket over my chest, and looked down at Kyoya, asleep beside me. His arm was on my waist, and he had the smallest smile on his face. After a moment, he turned to the side just a bit, exposing his bare chest. I blushed and bit my lip.

"You're staring, Alaria..." I heard Kyoya mumble. I gasped and jumped, almost falling off the bed. "Kyoya!" I laughed, and he chuckled. "It was a nice way to wake up, believe me." I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it, square in hsi beautifully defined chest. He chukled and tackled me, pinning me down under him on the bed. His eyes were sparkling as he pressed his lips to mine. "Good morning," He murmured against my lips. I smiled and replied, "Good morning," back.

Kyoya slowly backed up, looking guilty and sympathetic. "You're... Hurting, aren't you, Lari?" I frowned. "I'm fine, Kyoya." He shook his head. "I hate that I'm the cause of your pain." I giggled, biting my lip as I crawled over to him. "I love that you're the cause of this kind of pain, Kyoya." His face turned pink, and he chuckled breathlessly. "Well, that definitely takes away some of my guilt, Lari, thank you." I smiled and kissed his temple.

After we both got a shower -- in different showers, for all of you who want to know -- I made my way downstairs gingerly, all the while trying to not make it obvious that I was in pain. That was a success. I made it to the kitchen without Kyoya saying anything my pain. But Kyoya wouldn't let me cook. He said he wanted to just relax today, since it was, after all, Christmas day. So he microwaved a few pancakes and we ate them in the living room, watching t.v.

During a commercial break, Kyoya told me that the others would be coming over for Christmas. I smiled; who wouldn't want their friends together for Christmas? But there was something I had to do. "Kyoya, it's Christmas..." He raised a brow. "Go on," I sighed. "I haven't visited Haruhi's grave at all, yet, and... Well, I want to give her flowers." I said, my head hung low. "She deserves at least that."

Kyoya thought over it. "Do you want all of us to come?" I bit my lip in thought. "I don't know if Tamaki will be able to handle it." Kyoya shook his head, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "He wants closure, needs it, actually. Maybe this will help." I nodded. "Okay, let's get the group together."

So Kyoya called everyone and told them to come over to my house now. I was in white jeans and a blue shirt that read "You Got This" which made the moment even more ironic. It took half an hour for everyone to get here, and I was standing at the living room window, looking out at Calone, who Tamaki had already fed. Everyone gathered around me and Kyoya intently. I sighed. "I know it's Christmas, and I really don't want to ruin it for anyone..." Everyone looked around curiously, expecting the rest to pop up in thin air. "I want to give Haruhi flowers." I said bluntly. Tamaki's eyes immediately watered, but he made his way to my side and hugged me. I smiled sadly and hugged him back. I glanced at everyone else, and noticed they all looked sad and sympathetic.

I had grabbed a vase full of flowers -- orchids, tiger lillies, and locusts -- and tied the flowers together with a silver ribbon. Everyone was out in the limo waiting, and I joined them shortly thereafter. The car ride was filled with small chatter; everyone was nervous and sad. Tamaki and I were the only two not talking. One hand was enveloped in Kyoya's, the other in Tamaki's. He was sitting at the window, and he wouldn't turn around for anything. When we finally got to the cemetary, Tamaki and I made our way slowly to her grave, which was easy to find considering the cemetary was sorted by alphabetical order. 

Haruhi's tombstone was white, and looked brand-new. "You don't have to do this, Lari." I heard her whisper beside me. I smiled sadly and shook my head, getting down on my knees and putting the flowers before her tombstone. "Haruhi Fujioka, a wonderful daughter, friend, and sister." I gaped at "sister." I hadn't known she'd had a sibling.

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