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Mori's POV

I paced in Alaria's living room, biting my finger. I'd picked up every single clue I could about where it was she could be. I'd even followed the tire tracks, but they stopped as soon as soon as they left the driveway.

Finally, I decided it'd be best to call the rest of the guys.

I dialed Kyoya and Tamaki in a group call. The phones rang five times before they both picked up. "What's up, Mori?" And "Hey." Came at me at the same time.

"Get over to Alaria's as quickly as possible." There was no reply for a moment.

"Why?" Kyoya finally asked.

"She's gone," I replied, "And I'm pretty damn sure she was kidnapped."


Alaria's POV

I'd woken up six times now. I had no idea what time it was, but it was dark out, and Jace nor Glitch had come back to wake me.

My ears were ringing, but I couldn't find it in myself to make a sound besides my own breathing.

Earlier today, Glitch had beaten me with her whip. Except she had a second weapon; a plastic bat.

Although I was very thankful for the baseball being plastic, that didn't change the fact that I still now have scars and bruises.

Jace had left with promises of bandages and pain medication, and he had come back. He even had food and water.

Now, I was hungry again and very badly dehydrated. I was wondering how people went about living lives like this when Haruhi grabbed my hand.

"You should be asleep."

I nodded and said, "I know. I can't."

She gave me a very genuine smile. "Try, Lari. You need your rest." She looked around as if to tell me a secret no one could know. "I'll get you help. I promise. I just have to get stronger." She rubbed her finger down my cheek and hummed, sending me off to sleep.

Before I did completely drift off, I found myself wondering if I was still hallucinating, or if this was real and Haruhi was seriously helping me now.


Mori's POV

It didn't take Kyoya or Tamaki long to get here. Or for Kyoya to call up the Hitachiin twins.

Now, the were shouting at one another and at me, wanting answers. I was getting a head ache and finally snapped.


Everyone got very quiet. I rubbed my temple and sighed. "Better." Being a man of few words, I hesitated to speak. "The tire tracks stop at the end of the driveway. There are no notes. All we can do, for now, is call in the police." Kyoya glared. "Your services will come in handy as well, Kyoya."

Kyoya flipped out his phone and dialed a number, then left the room to talk on the phone. Tamaki sat down on the couch, exasperated. Hikaru and Kaoru paced next to one another. I turned my back on all of them, facing the hearth.

What did her kidnapper want with Alaria? Will they send for a ransom? I'll pay anything to get her back. My thoughts wandered as all sounds around me faded out.


Kyoya's services arrived at Alaria's house no sooner than he'd called. They got asked us to leave so they could get finger prints.

There was no telling whose finger prints they'd find in that kitchen.

Meanwhile, we were all being individually interrogated.

"When was the last time you saw Alaria?"

"This morning, at exactly nine o'clock."

"Was she acting strangely at all in the past few weeks or months?"

I hesitated to answer. "She's been mourning. Other than this, no."

"Has there been anyone strange in her life?"

I thought over it, and shook my head. "No. Not that I can account for."

"Has she participated in any strange actions previously within the year?"

"No. None that I know of."

"Has she been in any fights with anyone close to her recently?"

After thinking about this, I replied, "No, actually."

"Has she ever run away?"

I sighed as I answered. "Once."

He made no sound or strange reply, only asked me another question as he wrote on his notepad. "Has she expressed any want to leave or escape recently?"

I sook my head. "No."

"Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?"

I nodded very slowly. "Someone's been wanting to kill her."

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