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Kyoya's POV

Another restless night left dark bags under my eyes. I grabbed my coat, pushing my glasses onto the bridge of my nose. No doubt the rest of the boys were still asleep. I grabbed my phone and hurried downstairs and outside, into the merciless cold.

The sun was just beginning to rise as I met the town's sidewalk. I looked around anxiously with only one mission; find Alaria.

Based on my calculations, she couldn't have gotten too far. And, because she's so smart, she'll probably be in the woods. I facepalmed, noting my mental error. I started into the snow-filled woods.

I slipped a few times, catching myself. I was not an outdoor kind of person. How Alaria could survive out here is beyond me. But what if she hasn't been sleeping out in the cold? She's smart. As I thought, I tripped over a rock and fell into the snow. "Damn rock..." I mumbled, standing and brushing the snow off of me.

When I looked ahead of me, I saw Alaria sitting on a dry log, shoving something in her pocket. Was I hallucinating?

I ran forward, already half way there. I kept quiet, knowing very well that she'd run if I called her name.

To keep her from running away, I wrapped my arms around her arms and stomach. But I'd miscalculated one thing; my stopping. My momentum pushed us both over, causing us both to roll in the snow. I kept a good hold of her, even though she was already fighting.

When we stopped, she was laying on the ground beneath me. "Alaria, stop!" I demanded. When she heard my voice she paused, shock written on her face. Then she struggled more. "Go away, Kyoya! Get off me!" She growled, hissing and struggling. She let out groans as she tried to escape my grip on her arms, but I kept a good hold on her. "Stop it, damnit!" I shouted. She flinched and turned her head to the side, trying to reach her arms to her face by instinct. What the...?

She panted, seeming to have let a breath go she'd been holding. What was her problem? With both her arms in one hand, I pulled out my cell phone. Maybe going by myself wasn't my best idea. I dialed Mori, knowing he'd hear the rings.

On the third ring, he picked up with a groggy, "Why are you calling me?" Alaria's eyes widened and she struggled, grunting and groaning again. "Damnit, Alaria!" I scowled. Mori went quiet on the other side. "A-Alaria?" I grunted. "Yeah, and she's one hell of a fighter."

"LET ME GO!" She shrieked. I flinched, jerking the phone away from my ear, then putting it back. "So, I need your help to get her..." I dropped off the sentence when I saw blood combing through the snow. It wasn't coming from me... "Get her home..." I heard a grunt from Mori and hung up.

I put up my phone, fighting to get her to stop struggling. "STOP IT!" I screamed. She flinched again, and froze. I took this advantage to press my fingers to the blood on her jacket. She gasped and gave a small scream, clenching her jaw. I pulled my fingers away, finding fresh blood on them. "You're hurt..." She glared at me. "Wouldn't have been if you hadn't FOUND me!" She spat. I didn't flinch; she didn't mean it. I hoped she didn't.

I grabbed a loose tissue from one of my pockets and reached for the hem of her shirt. She hissed and fought. "What the hell are you doing!?" She cried. I replied, "Well, I've got to stop the bleeding!" Her scowl turned into a determined, flat line. "You're not touching me!" I clenched my jaw.

A good ten minutes later, Mori found us. When he saw Alaria, he froze. Then he sprinted to her side and kneeled beside her. He hugged her to him, almost not noticing her wound. But she hissed, which brought attention to it. "What happened!" His voice was very demanding. But she refused to speak to him. He frowned and picked her up, receiving a defiant moan from Alaria. But she was no match for his strength. But she didn't give in, even though I could see her flinching from the wound.

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