|Tickles| Hinata x Reader

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( Requested by FEGirl )

You were walking along a cluster of cherry blossom trees, and admiring the lovely shade of pink the petals as they rained down around you.

"HYAH!" A voice rang out and you turned towards the sound.

Walking over to the trees, you noticed Hinata swinging his sword at a large practice dummy. Swatches of straw streamed out from it as he sliced at it.

He stopped when he saw you approach.

"Hello there, [F/N]!" He grinned at you, his brown hair falling around his eyes.

"Hello, Hinata! I see you're training hard!" You replied, and gestured to his sword and the straw dummy.

"Yeah! But I was wondering, do you wanna have a sparring match with me?"

"Sure, if you'll excuse my terrible skills." You joked, and pulled out your [W/O/C].

"Let's spice it up a bit, first one to get a clean hit in wins, and whoever loses has to do whatever the winner wants." Hinata turned to you with a gleam in his eye.

"You're on!"

As your weapons clashed, you noticed that he was throwing trick shots and evading your swings easily.

As you were backing up, a your foot got caught on a rock and you were sent backwards.

His next blow caught you on the shoulder while you were still on the ground.

"Looks like I win!" Hinata grinned.

"I tripped on a rock!" Scoffing you began to get up off the dirt floor. "You only won because I was-"

He didn't let you finish as he pounced on you, pinning you down.

"Hinata, what are you-" Your sentence was cut off by him attacking your sides with tickles. "Hahaha!"

"Sorry, [F/N], but this is what I want for my win." He jump started you, making you shriek and laugh hysterically as he continued tickling your sides and stomach.

"Stop-!" Your giggles ceased and Hinata looked down at you with a tender look on his face.

"I made [F/N] laugh!" He said triumphantly, and you smiled at the genuine happiness in his voice.

"But to be honest, [F/N]," He leaned down so that his lips were only an inch away from your ear.

"I've really fallen for you."

destiny | fire emblem fatesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora