downpour // leo

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Sandy strands of hair trailed over his pale cheeks as he carefully flipped the page of his book

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Sandy strands of hair trailed over his pale cheeks as he carefully flipped the page of his book. Free days were rare for the Nohrian prince ; so he wanted to enjoy it to the fullest with the things most important to him.

Seemingly immersed in the inked script, Leo is silent for several moments as ( Name ) gazed intently at him.

Suddenly, he looked up and directed his gaze over to the ( Hair Colour )-haired prince/ss sitting next to him. "( Name )? Is there a reason why you've been staring at me for the past ten minutes?" He questioned.

"No. I just thought you looked nice today." They responded honestly as their lips curled up in a small smile.

At that statement, the usually stoic dark mage let a soft smile show. He leaned over, gently placing a kiss on ( Name )'s cheek. "Well . . . Thank you." He responded earnestly.

They flushed a light shade of pink, and directed their ( Eye Colour ) gaze to the dusty ground to avoid making eye contact. "You . . you're welcome." ( Name ) murmured.

Silent for several moments, the mage spoke up again as the sun was beginning to dip below the orange - streaked horizon.

"We should head back now." Looking up at the gradually darkening sky , Leo crossed his armour - covered arms stiffly in front of his chest. Getting up from his seat on the stone bench, he offered a hand to ( Name ). "Shall we?"

They hesitantly accepted his help and got to their feet , using their free hand to brush back a strand of ( Hair Colour ) hair from their eyes in the process. "Y-yes . . We shall."

( Name ) followed him down the path , their eyes nervously darting around at their surroundings. "Leo ? I think it's about to start rain - " They stopped just as a drop of rain splashed onto their face.

"Heh. In that case , we should probably get back even quicker." Punctuating his statement with a rare laugh , Leo grabbed the other's hand and led them towards the shelter of a tree that steadily grew closer with each step.

Under the street lights , the two made it to the tree just as the sky opened up and sheets of rain began to patter against the ground. Shoulders shaking , ( Name ) grinned as they ruffled the Nohrian prince's slightly damp blond locks.

"Thanks for today. I really enjoyed spending time with you." They smiled honestly , eyes sparkling and cheeks reddening before they leaned in to softly capture his lips in their own.

Pulling back quickly , they bounded down the path in the pouring rain and disappeared into the gloom just as he opened his mouth to speak.

Leo shook his head with a small smile. "Good night , ( Name )." He whispered out into the downpour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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