|I'd Still Love You| Nyx x Reader

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(Requested by @Sniper_t2)
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"Hey, Nyx!" You grinned at the dark-haired girl and waved cheerfully, walking over to her.

"Oh.. Hello, (F/N).." She said quietly, looking over at you.

"So.. I heard that there's going to be a festival tonight.." You tried to perk her interest, but her pale face remained impassive. "Want to come with me?"

"Um.. I suppose I could accompany you.." Nyx nodded and began to walk away, her brown locks swaying behind her.

Your (E/C) eyes watched her leave and you sighed as the sky opened up, sending a light drizzle down upon you.


You lingered nervously by the edge of all the bright tents and commotion, running your (S/C) fingers through your (H/C) hair.

"Oh.. Hello, (F/N).." Nyx suddenly appeared in front of you and you smiled at her.

"Hey there, Nyx."

"Do you want to go play some games?" You asked, gesturing to the brightly lit tents.

"Okay.. Sure." She nodded, and you grabbed her wrist, gently pulling her with you.

The two of you spent the next few hours playing festival games and trying to win the prizes.

"(F/N)?" Nyx tapped your shoulder and you turned to look at her, your (E/C) eyes shining. "Do you want to go out to the river?"

"Of course! Let's go."

As you made your way down to the riverbank, you noticed a patch of soft grass by the water.

"Let's sit over there!" You lead her over and you both plopped down, facing the flowing river.

"Nyx.. I want to confess something to you.." You began, gazing out to the shimmering water.

"I've always liked you.."

Nyx was silent and you began to panic.

"O-oh, I'm s-sorry..!"

"(F/N). I'm so sorry for not telling you this sooner, but I'm cursed." Her brown eyes looked straight into your (E/C) ones. "I'm much older than you."

"I should never have messed around with the Dark Arts and got myself into this mess, I'm so sorry-" She was stopped by your arms wrapping around her, pulling her close.

"Nyx.. I'd still love you no matter what.." You murmured, and you felt her shoulders shake.

You spent the rest of the night in each other's warmth, under the evening sky, scattered with stars.

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