|I Don't Hate You| Takumi x Healer!Reader

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You were sitting alone in your room when you heard the door clang open.

Takumi stumbled in with cuts and scrapes on his face, dripping blood onto the carpet. You rushed forward to catch him as he fell face first, toward the ground.

"Takumi! Are you okay?" You asked, concern clouding your (E/C) eyes.

"Do I look okay to you?" He brought a bloodied hand to his forehead and winced as he touched a scrape there. "I got into a fight with some Faceless outside the border.. Just let me-"

His words were cut off as he fell unconscious, dragging you down with him as he fell onto your now bloody floor. You slung his arm around your neck and hauled him onto your bed, ignoring the bloodstains he left.

You tucked him into your (F/C) covers and reached a hand to his forehead.

"Not sick." You thought, and took one last look at him before headed out to find some bandages.


Takumi awoke to find you leaning over him, your face filled with concern.

"(F/N)? What are you doing?" A sudden burst of pain shot through his head and he closed his mouth.

"I'm healing you." You said matter-of-factly and continued to wrap a roll of gauze around his arm.

Takumi lay there in silence as you wrapped his wounds.


Not responding, you smiled and sat back, admiring your work.

"Now, rest up. I'll be back soon." You started to stand up but he grabbed your hand, pulling you back down.

"Don't leave me alone." He strained to sit up but you gently lay him back down.

"All right, Takumi." You pulled a chair next to the bed and watched him sleep, looking more calm and peaceful than when he was awake. The dark bags under his eyes and stressed creases in his face had disappeared and at that moment he seemed almost childlike.

"(F/N).." Startled, you turned to him, but his eyes were closed.

"Ah.. He's sleep talking." You relaxed.

"(F/N).. I don't hate you.." He murmured, and you smiled to yourself.

"I love you, Takumi." You said quietly, leaning down and planting a kiss on his forehead.

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