Chapter I Summer Vacation

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People ask me all the time what it's like to be the best friend of Shannon Leto, I answer the same every time it's honestly great. It has it's ups and downs but most of all it's great.

I've only known him for a couple years, and it's been the best few years of my life. It wasn't perfect but it was the best. Everyone thinks it's weird or says we became friends to fast but in my opinion it was the way it was meant to be. Actually in my opinion we didn't really become good friends until after we knew each other for about two months. So really to understand how good of friends we really are I would have to tell you the whole story.

It all started about two years ago. It was the beginning of May, mid morning. The air was sweet and crisp. The sun was shining high in the sky and the breeze was slow and steady. Shannon and I were at a early lunch at one of his favorite outdoor restaurants.

"So I feel stupid for asking these questions now, since we've known each other for two months now but what is your favorite type of dog" Shannon asks

"Your not stupid for asking Shannon I think it's sweet, and that's easy a husky" I say and give a slight smile

"Thanks, and ya husky's are beautiful" he says blushing a little

"What about you Shan, what type of dog do you like" I ask

Shannon has a couple of nicknames but normal I just stick with Shan or call him by his actually name. Jared calls him bro, Shan, Shannon, Shanimal, or Shanimal cracker. I know a few girls who like calling Shan, Shanimal but only for sexual reasons. Most girls hate me for being friends with him or say that I'm only friends with him to get some, which isn't true.

"Oh I don't really like dogs, they are cute and all but I just don't really have time you know" he says shyly

I love how Shannon acts around me. Shannon, in general is sensual, sweet, sexy, cool, laid back, and fun. Around me he is all those things but also super cautious and sometimes shy. I like it because it means he is trying to impress me. I try to get him to understand that I like him for him but sometimes his shy side still comes out.

"Ya you are a pretty busy person, but it's a good thing because you wouldn't be the same person if you weren't" I say giving a shy smile

"Awww thanks Kit" he says and giggles a little

My name is Katherine but Shannon calls me Kit or Kitten or Katerina. Most of the time he only calls me Katerina when we are alone, he knows it makes me blush like crazy. There is just something about the way he says it that honestly turns me on, and he knows it too. He purposefully try's to do it to.

"Anytime Shan" I say with a smile

Shannon and I go on dates every so often. We aren't boyfriend or girlfriend or anything but we do like each other and are very open about it. A lot of people have thought we are together because we do spend a lot of time together but we aren't.

My thought are interrupted by a phone ringing.

"I'll be right back, it's Jared it may be important" he says and leaves

Jared is Shannon's younger brother. They get along great honestly I wish I got along with my siblings like that.

I have two older sister and man do they think they rule my world. They are always telling me what to do and when to do it. They are the main girls I have to worry about when it comes to Shannon. Shelby the oldest has a big crush on Shannon and hates that I'm friends with him, she feels that she has more of a "right" because she is famous. Hannah hates them both and says I shouldn't waste my time. That Shannon will just use me and when he is done he'll leave and never talk to me again. I just wish they would both leave me be and let me live my life they way I want to.

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