Chapter XX Childish Ways

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"Wake up sleepy head, you have a visitor" Nicole says

I sit up and see Logan walking into my bedroom.

"Hey, what a nice surprise" I say and smile

"I just wanted to check up on you after the other night" he says

"Well thank you, I'm doing good" I say

He gives me one of those "I know you're lying" smiles and sits down next to me.

"Katherine, we've been friends long enough for me to know the truth. I could see the excitement in your eyes when you saw him on that beach. I also saw the hurt in your eyes when he assumed we were together. But could you really blame him, I mean it's been over a month and neither of you have made an effort to try and fix things. Could you really be that mad at him over a silly mistake" he asks

"No I couldn't and I'm not. I'm upset with him because he pushed me away, he kicked me out. He told me he didn't want me around that I made things worse" I say

"Come on, don't tell me you really believed that. Katherine I know you guys might not have ever been in a relationship for real an I know you haven't know each other for a long long time but I could see it on the mans face. He loves you Katherine, he really does. You have to be blind not to see it" he says

"Well if that's how he truly felt why hasn't he made an effort to fix things!"

"Why haven't you? It's clear you have very deep emotion for him as well so why haven't you tried to fix things" he asks

I sigh, I totally set myself up for that. Why haven't I tried? I mean I do care deeply for Shannon and I want things to be better so why haven't I tried?

Honestly I believe it's because of my pride. If I tried to fix things then Id be letting Shannon win this fight.

"Because Shannon caused this so he has to be the one to fix things" I say

"Well now you just sound like a child" Logan says frowning

"I'm not going to just let him win or hand him a victory on a silver plater" I say slightly angry

"Would you rather win this fight of yours or lose Shannon for good" he asks

I turn away as my eyes start to water. Logan was right I am acting like a child. If I want things to be better between Shannon and I then I need to make an effort to fix them. I look at Logan and give a small smile.

"I'll go so you can get changed" he says and hugs me

I change into a nice summery dress and sandals. Fix my makeup a bit and put my hair down. I call Jared and soon he is ringing the doorbell.

"Hey you ready" I ask answering the door

"For what exactly" he asks

"I want to get Shannon a gift, something really special" I say

"When did you guys fix things?"

"Umm well we haven't yet but I want to and so tonight I'm going to go see him and talk to him. Apologize to him for the leaving and acting so childish" I say

"Well I'm glad you decided to do this" he says and smiles

We drive around and look through different stores trying to find the perfect gift but don't find anything good enough.

"Ok so I know this is going to sound strange but Shannon loves painting, especially antique ones or ones most people wouldn't like" he says

"Perfect! Do you know any good places to get some" I ask

"Ya actually I know a place that had a painting he has had his eyes on for a while. We just never find the time to get it. It at a store called Mizuroaty's the only problem is it's in San Diego" he says

"That's across town and then some. I don't know if I want to go that far" I say and frown

"Well let me think, I figure something else out" he says

"No you know what let's go, he deserves it after how I treated him. As long as you're ok with driving that far" I say

"Ya let's go"

We drive for two hours then get stuck in traffic for twenty minutes then drive another fifteen minutes to get to the store.

Mizuroaty's was definitely a beautiful store. Seemingly magician and enchanted. We go in and Jared finds the painting. It was beautiful, brownish orange sky with places that were purple. The pavement dark grey and sidewalk light grey. The buildings were completely black and had yellow square all up and down the sides of the buildings, indicating lights being on. There was little painted newspapers and trash on the streets but not a person at all. It looked abandon but only recently due to the lights still being on. The colors of the sky give it a mysterious aspect to it, making it seem like some happened to cause the color and emptiness of this city. The buildings resembled New York so most likely that's were the artist got his or her inspiration.

We pay for the painting and have it wrapped. We get in the car and I put the painting securely in the back seat. Now all that's left to do is give Shannon the present.

We drive back to my house and then Jared leaves. I let Nicole know what's going on and then I use her car to drive to Shannon's house. I park in his driveway and take a deep breath then get out of the car and grab his present. I have a spare key to his house so I unlock the door and walk inside. I set his present on his kitchen counter with my keys and grab a bottle of his best wine and two wine glasses.

"Shannon, it's me Katherine. Are you home" I ask kinda yelling

I don't hear an answer so I walk upstairs to his bedroom. I knock on the door and there is no answer. I open the door to see Shannon laying on the floor. I drop the bottle of wine and the glasses and run over to him.

"Shannon wake up, please wake up" I say starting to cry

I look around and see empty beer bottles and a few other empty alcohol bottles. I see a bottle of pill on his night stand, they are pain relievers. I start to panic and check Shannon's breathing. He is barely breathing. I quickly pull out my phone and dial 911.

"Hello, yes I need an ambulance. My friend he isn't breathing right he is just laying on the floor. Yes it looks like he took some pain killers and there are empty bottles of alcohol around the room" I say answering there questions

I tell then Shannon's address and then call Jared and Constance. I stay right by Shannon until the ambulance arrives. A couple medic check Shannon and the put him on a gurney. Jared and Constance arrive and Constance hugs me.

"How long has he been like that" she asks shaking

"I don't know I just found him like that" I say

"Excuse me, are any of you riding with him to the hospital" a medic asks

"Katherine you go with him Jared and I will follow in the car" Constance says

I nod and get in the back of the ambulance with Shannon. I grab his hand and hold it tight. Please be alright Shannon, I can't lose you. 

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