Chapter XXI Bad Dreams

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 The medics continue to check Shannon's vitals and I just sit next him holding his hand. I haven't stopped crying since I started. Finally the ambulance stops and a medic helps me out. They take Shannon out of the ambulance and wheel him into to hospital. I am stopped by a couple nurses and soon after Constance and Jared arrive. We all head to the lobby area to wait and Constance and I sit on a bench hugging one another. Jared seemed upset and pissed.

"What happened exactly" Jared says

"I already told you I found him laying on the floor barely breath. Empty bottles of alcohol everywhere and a bottle of pain relievers on the night stand" I say

"What about the broken glass on the floor and the wine" he says fiercely

"You can't possible think I did something" I say shocked that he would even assume that

"Jared, she dropped those things when she saw Shannon" Constance says

"How do you know that" Jared asks angry

"Where Shannon was laying is to far away from the door for it to be what caused him to be the way he is. Also he would have pieces of glass and some wine on him too" she says taking my defense

Constance only takes a persons side if they are right. Her taking my side proved to Jared that I was telling the truth.

"I'm sorry Katherine I just really hate to think Shannon did this to himself again" Jared says

"It's alright, I really wish it wasn't true either" I say

Finally a nurse approaches us. Constance and I quickly stand up and Jared stops pacing the hall.

"Are you Constance Leto" the nurse asks

Constance nods her head still holding my arm tightly.

"Shannon is doing alright he is stable. We are going to have to keep him a couple of days to make sure he recovers right" the nurse says

"What exactly is wrong with him" Jared asks quickly

"You don't know" the nurse asks confused

We all shake our heads no. Of course we had an idea of what happened but in the backs of our minds we were hoping we were wrong.

"He took to many pain relief pills and on top of it drank a lot of alcohol. He overdosed on the pills and has alcohol poisoning from the drinking" the nurse answers

"Was the overdoes purposeful" I ask

"Most likely not, he didn't actually have a huge amount in his system. Just a few extras. Most likely what happened was he got drunk or was hung over, forgot when the last time he had taken a few pills was and took more. Plus there is no history of overdoses but we still have to keep him due to the alcohol poisoning" the nurse says

"May we see him" Constance asks shaking

"Family only" the nurse says sternly

"That's nonsense if it wasn't for Katherine, Shannon wouldn't have made it here in an at least ok condition" Constance says

The nurse shrugs and walks away.

"It's alright Constance. I'll just go home. Keep me updated alright" I say

"I promise I will. You can stay at the beach house if you'd like" she says

I hug her then Jared and leave. Honestly I didn't want to go home or to the beach house. I head for Shannon's house and park in the driveway. I grab some cleaning supplies and a trash bag and head upstairs to the bedroom. I clean up the broken glass first then scrub the wood floor trying to get the wine up. I get as much as I can before giving up on it. I clean up all the alcohol bottles and throw them and the pills in the trash bin outside. I take all the blankets and sheets off the bed and put new ones on.

The whole time Shannon and I had known each other I had never really been to his house. He gave me a brief tour one day and the only other times I had been there I either staying at the front door or in the car. It was a beautiful home. Much bigger than Nicole's place but way smaller than the beach house.

I lay down on the bed and start to cry. All I could think about was Shannon. If I had just decided to stop acting so childish sooner this never would have happened. He has alcohol poisoning that's not just something you can get then be fine the next day. Hell some people don't even survive alcohol poisoning. On top of it he overdosed on pills and there is no telling how long he had been like that. Most likely if he had been there any longer he would have stopped breathing completely. Just the thought of losing Shannon for good pained me. I couldn't lose him now, not when I needed him most. Even though we have been fighting I can't lose him. Yes we said things and did things, hurt each other's feelings but I know that I still want to fix things and I'm hoping Shannon feels the same.

I think about things like this for about another half hour before finally falling asleep. I wake up a couple times during the night from nightmares. Dreams about finding Shannon dead or him dying in the hospital. The last time I woke up I decided to stay up for a bit. I splashed my face with water and then went down stair and sat on the couch which is where I've been for the past twenty minutes. I pick up my phone and call Constance.

"Hey I didn't wake you did I" I ask when she answers

"No no, it's alright I'm at the hospital still" she says

"I just figured id call and see how he is doing" I say

"Are you having nightmares too" she asks

"Yes, sadly. I've been up for about twenty minutes now because I gave up on trying to get good sleep" I say

"I'm so sorry hun. He is resting right now and last time the nurse checked on him he was ok. That was about half an hour ago maybe" she says

"Well I'm glad he is doing ok" I say

"Alright well I'm going to go. Try to get some sleep" she says kindly

"Ok, thank you again" I say

"No problem" she says

I hang up and then head back upstairs. Again I lay down on the bed covered up nice and cozy. I sure didn't feel cozy though. Maybe tomorrow I'll check on Shannon myself to make sure he is ok. Maybe that will help me out a bit and calm my nerves.  

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