Chapter VIII Sea World

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We walk in and Shannon pays for both of us. We start looking around at all the different sea animals they had. I see a large tank with a killer whale and smile.

"Oh a killer whale, that's so cool" I say

"Have you never seen one" Shannon asks

"No I have but just in pictures and movies, never this close" I say and smile

"Come on I want to show you something" he says and takes my hand

I blush as we walk down a hallway together. I was really nervous all the sudden and my heart was racing. We stop and he smiles at me.

"Look" he says pointing to a tank

It had dolphins in it and a bunch of people were gathered around one part of the tank.

"Let's go" he says smiling

Shannon takes my hand again and he pushes his way through the crowd dragging me along. He stops and smiles.

"Do you want to pet one" he asks

"Really" I ask

"Ya that's why it's open like this" he says and leans down

I lean down next to him. A dolphin swims up and he pets it. I just watch honestly I wanted to pet the dolphin but at the same time I was nervous to.

"Here" he says and takes my hand

He places my hand on the dolphin and moving my hand back and forth.

I just smile then I start to blush. Shannon's hand was laying on my the whole time I was petting the dolphin. It made me even more nervous and I started to blush.

"What's that" I say

He looks in the direction I was looking and I move my hand.

"Oh I thought I saw something cool, guess not" I say and blush more


I was trying my hardest not to mess up or be to nervous but I don't think it was working. I could tell Kit was nervous because she kept blushing. It was honestly really cute but I felt bad because of it. I didn't want to make her nervous or scare her away like I did when we kissed.

We look around for about another hour.

"I'm kinda getting hungry" she says

"Ya me too" I say, "let's go get something to eat" I say and smile

"Ok sounds good" she says and smiles back

We leave Sea World and head to a near by vegan/vegetarian restaurant. We walk in and are seated.

"So I have a question for you" I say

"What's that" she asks

"Would this be a date or not" I ask

"Probably because when we do stuff like this typically it's a date" she says

"Ya that's why I was asking" I say

We look over our menus and then order are food.

"So did you like Sea World" I ask

"Yes, I loved it" she says and her face lights up with excitement

"Good I'm glad" i say

We get our food and start eating. Not to long after we are interrupted.

"Omg you're Shannon Leto" a girl says screaming

After we says that about five other people turn around and then a large crowd gathers around the table. I take Kit by the wrist and we push our way out of the restaurant and run to the car. When we get in I take off quickly. It throws Kit a little and I look over to make sure she is ok then keep driving. I driving all the way to the beach and pull Kit out of the car carefully. I start running down the beach Kit following me. I run until I don't see anymore people and then stop. Kit sits down because she is tired and tried to catch we breath.

"Sorry about that" I say

"No it's ok" she says

"Come on let's get in the water you'll feel better" I say

"No I just want to sit here" she says

I pick her up and smile then run to the water. When it's deep enough I drop her and smile.

"Really" she says smiling

"What" I say smiling

She pulls down into the water too and we laugh.

"Kitten, I know that we aren't even together but there's something I want to tell you" I say

"What's that" she asks kindly

"I...I wanted to say...that"

"Oh my god Shannon Leto" someone screams

"Goddammit" I say and we start running

We get to the car and leave. We drive home and I park the car. We get out and I head inside without saying a word. I walk upstairs and slam the door then lock it. Why did everyone always have to be in the way all the time. 

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