Chapter XIV Animal and Prey

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"Wake up sleepy head" Shelby says

I flutter my eyes until they finally stay open and I sit up.

"Good morning" she says with a smile

"What time is it" I ask yawning

"Eight thirty" she says

"What why did you wake me up" I ask a bit angry

"You have a flight in two hours" she says

"A flight?"

"Yup, dad and I booked one for you" she says sweetly

"To where?"

"Back to California"

"I thought I would spend more time with you guys before I went back"

"Well you have two hours"

"I mean a couple days" I say rolling my eyes

"No because then you would have kept making excuses not to go back"

I roll my eyes but smile knowing she was right. She pulls me out of bed and I change quickly then we head downstairs.

"Good morning sweet heart" my dad says seating plate of food on the table for us

"Morning. Where is mom" I ask confused

Our mother was one for traditions. She wanted everyone at the table no matter what meal it was. It was never like her to break those traditions either.

"She's in bed still. She is still a little upset about last night" he says

Of course, my mom was just as much a child as Hannah was.

"But don't worry about it she'll get over it" he says and sits down

We eat our breakfast talking about the news and weather and the fashion show. I was so excited and honored that Shelby would ask me to fill in for her top model. It takes years of work, time, and dedication before you could even become a top model. I could wait to tell Shannon. I couldn't wait to see him either, although I was not to happy about the fact we would have to have a talk, a really long talk. I dreaded long talks especially ones that involved emotions. I was open about my feels but only when I needed to be and only when I knew it would cause problems. This long talk that we née to have is one talk I can't tell whether it will cause problems or not. All I knew for sure was that it had to be done.


"I love you and I'm glad you're doing this. Even if Shelby had to push you a bit to do it" my dad says hugging me

"Thanks dad and I love you too. Thanks for all your advice and help" I say hugging him tight

"I love you too did an I'm glad we worked things out. I can't wait for you to be a part of my show. Don't forget ok" she says and hugs me

"I love you too. I'm glad we worked things out as well and trust me I won't forget about the show" I say with a smile

We finish our goodbyes and I wait to board my plane. Once I went through baggage check and boarded the plane I prepared myself for the flight. I didn't like flying much, although my anxiety about it isn't as bad as other peoples. I would still rather take a train or something that is less likely to have problems and be so crowded.

The flight was semi short and easy going. Although at one point I had a headache because the women across the isle from me had a child who definitely didn't like flying. There was only one other person in the row on my side of the isle and he had sat in the window seat with an empty seat between us. I was grateful for that as it's how crowded the planes typically are that makes me anxious the most. I would have to get use to it though, if I'm going to be filling in as a model for my sister for a while. Fashion shows are always in the most excellently extreme yet elegant places such as Paris, London, or Tokyo. Living in California I would most definitely have to get use to flying.

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