Chapter XVI Make Things Better

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Nicole let me in and greeted me with a warm hug. I dropped my bags and buried my face in her shoulder and started to cry.

"What's wrong" she asked

"I hurt him" I say

"How did you do that" she asks softly

"I left without telling anyone and when I went back yesterday we had a talk and I hurt his feelings by saying, "maybe you don't know me as well as you think." He ended up telling me to leave so I did. I didn't mean to hurt him" I say crying more

She just held me tightly not really knowing what to say. She let's go and looks me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can tell you really liked him."

"It's ok Nicole, I'll be alright" I say and take my stuff to my room

My phone rings and I see it was Shelby. I answer quickly but sit quietly.

"Are you alright sis" she asks in a worried tone

"No, I hurt him more than I thought and then he told me to leave" I say

"No! He shouldn't have! That's crazy" she says fiercely

"It's ok sis, I'll be fine" I say

"I don't care if you think you're ok because you're not. He shouldn't do that to you" she says a bit angry

"I shouldn't have done what I did to him, in order for you to be mad at him you need to be mad at me too" I say

She sighs and I know she realizes I'm right.

"So are they still coming to the show" she asks changing the subject

"I don't know I didn't even tell them. I didn't get a chance" I say honestly

My phone vibrates and I look to see another call coming in.

"Sis I have another call I'll call you back soon" I say

"Ok love you"

"Love you too" I say and answer the other call

It was Constance which worried me.

"How you doing" she asks

"I'll be alright, is he alright" I ask

"No he is still mad but it will be alright" she says

I feel a lump in my throat so I decide a subject change would do us both.

"I got another shoot, I'm filling in at my sisters show in London" I say

"That's great! Which model are you filling in for" she asks

"Her top model" I say excitedly

"No way, that's great! I'm happy for you" she says excitedly as well

"She said you guess are welcome to come and that if you do your rooms and tickets will be payed for" I say

"Oh sweetie we would love to. It will only be Jared, Shannon, and I because Tomo is going back home to be with his wife" she says

"Will Shannon actually come" I ask

"Yes, he just won't know what we are going for" she says

"Ok I'll let my sister know" I say

"Great! I can't wait to see it! When is it" she asks

"Next week"

"Ok I'll see you then! I hope you know I'll be calling almost every day to check on you" she says

"Ok thank you or everything Constance" I say

"Don't worry about it sweetie. I think of you as part of the family. Even if things don't work out between you and Shannon you will always be part of our family to me" she says

I wanted to cry to be honest. I really did appreciate everything she has done for me and they way she has treated me.

"Thank you" were the only words I could say

"Have a great day sweetie, I'll talk to you tomorrow" she says

"Alright goodbye"

"Bye" she says and hangs up

I dial my sister number and wait as it rings. Finally after about the tenth ring she answers.

"It was Constance who called I told her about the show and she said that they would love to come. Tomo won't be able to make it though because he is going back home to be with his wife" I say

"I though they were mad at you" she says confused

"Only Shannon is, Constance says that he'll go she just won't tell him why they are going" I say

"And she thinks this is a good idea? I don't want that boy messing up this show for me or you or anyone else" she says

"After he finds out I'm there he may leave if he wants he does not have to stay" I answer thinking it out a bit

"Alright I'll send you their tickets you can get them to her before next week right" she asks

"Ya I'll take them to her and she can come get them" I answer

"Alright I have to get back to work find out how many rooms they need and get back to me. I love you goodbye" she says sweetly

"Alright bye" I say and hang up

I was excited for the show but after what ha happened I'm sad more than excited. I'm realizing more and more how much I honestly want to be with Shannon. I've messed up big time. I've really messed up, but the first chance I get I'm going to try to fix it. I'm going to try my hardest to make this up to Shannon and make things right between us.

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