Chapter XI Right or Wrong

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A/N: I changed the dates in chapter one. If you're confused about the dates in this chapter that would be why you can look back at chapter one to see the new dates!


"Shannon please" Jared screams

"No Jared" I scream back

"You're acting so crazy" Jared screams

I just walk away and lock myself in my room. God I feel like a child again. Throwing a fit and locking myself in my room. I head down to the studio quickly and lock the door behind me. I sit at the drums take a deep then start to play. I say play when I really mean hit it as hard and as loud as I can trying to take all my frustration, anger, rage, and the fact that I worried as hell out on the drums instead of my family. My drum sticks break and I throw them across the room and get a new pair and go back to playing. I stop for a second to wipe away the tears rolling down my face. I didn't understand what I did wrong. I thought everything was fine between Kit and I but I guess I was wrong. I'm so worried about her. I have no idea where she is and spent all day yesterday, after I found her note, looking for her. I asked everyone that she knew and no one had seen her or knew where she went. Now here it is eight o'clock at night of the next day and she is missing. God I swear if anything happens to her I'll never forgive myself. I can't lose her, not her, I couldn't live without her in my life. Another pair of my drum sticks break so I quit playing. I head upstairs to the kitchen grab some alcohol and go to my room locking my door again.


I wake up and just don't feel the same. Who knew taking a vacation would be so upsetting. I was hurt because I couldn't bring myself to call Shannon. I know I need to but I just can't. I know he'll be worried as hell but I also know he'll be mad. Shannon had anger issues sometimes and this will most definitely set him off. I didn't mean to though, I don't want to make him mad but I just needed time away from him away from Jared and Tomo and Constance. So I can gather myself and think and not be confused. It's only three months in and I want to quit. I'm tired of the lying. I'm tired of pretending.

"Honey" I hear my dad call

"Yes" I say sitting up

"Would you like to come with me to the store, we need to get stuff for tomorrow" he says

I look at my phone and realize tomorrow is the 4th of July.

"Sure just let me get dressed" I say

"Ok" my dad answers

I put on a pair of shorts, a tank top, and some sandals. I put my hair in a messy bun and head downstairs.

"Ready to go" my dad asks

"Yup" I say

We drive to the store and get everything we need for a barbecue then head home. I help my dad make some potato salad, pasta salad, and baked beans and we put all that in the fridge. The rest we will do tomorrow. I walk outside and sit in one of the chairs.

Did I really make the right choice by leaving? Did I actually do it for the reasons I'm telling everyone? Do I even really want to be with Shannon? I think I do, honesty I can't tell if staying with him made me realize I want to be with him or if it made me realize I don't. I don't know what I'm feeling for him right now.

"You ok" my dad asks

"Ya, just thinking"

"About what"

"Whether I made the right choice by leaving or not" I say

"Well honestly honey I can't tell you that but I can tell you this. You really need to let him know you're ok, from what you've told me he'll be worried sick" he says

"I know but I can't bring myself to call him" I say

"Well he needs to know" he says

"Ok" I say realizing he was right

I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts. I see Shannon's and stop then scroll all the way to the bottom then back up to the top. At the top a familiar name catches my eye, Constance. I stop on her contact and stare for a couple seconds. Then I hit the call button. It rings once, twice, three times then she answers.

"Hello, who is this" she asks

"Please don't hang up and please don't tell anyone else but it's Katherine" I say

"Oh hi, how are you" she says sweetly

"Not so good, how is he" I ask

"Well he locked himself in his room last night and hasn't come out since" she says

"I'm sorry Constance I really am" I say

"It's not your fault sweetie" she says

"Yes it is I left, I left because we've been lying to you and we even dragged Jared into it to" I say about to cry

"I know and it's ok" she says

"Wait how do you know did Shannon tell you" I ask confused

"No Jared did I've known all along, he told me two days after I got here" she says

"Then why, what, I'm so confused, are you not mad" I ask

"No sweetie I'm not mad, I don't really like the fact you guys lied but Shannon has never had a girl do something like this for him before honestly I thought it was sweet of you" she says

"Does Shannon know you know" I ask

"No, and I'm not going to tell him until he tells me" she says

"Ok well I'm honestly sorry for lying to you he just didn't want to let you down" I say

"It's fine, we can talk about it when you come back. You are coming back right"she asks

"Yes of course I am, I would never leave Shannon forever, even if we aren't together I do care about him" I say

"Good I'm glad because I've never seen him so happy until you came around" she says

"Really" I ask

"Oh ya, I'm not going to lie, the fact you left is killing him. He thought everything was fine between the two of you then you left" she says sadly

"It had nothing to do with him I swear" I say

"I know but he doesn't know that" she says

"Ya I know" I say sadly

"I have to go, it's great to know that you're ok" she says

"Ok bye" I say

The call ends and I just stare at my phone. I think about calling Shannon, I know I need to he needs to know I'm ok.

I hit the call button and every ring makes me more and more nervous. Finally I hear his voice.

"Shannon" I say then I break out in tears

"Oh my god kitten" he says and starts crying too

"I'm so sorry" I say

"Don't you dare apologize, as long as you're safe I'm ok, are you safe kitten" he says

"Yes I'm safe" I say

"Ok good, where are you I'll come get you" he says

"You can't Shannon" I say

"Yes I can where are you" he says

"Shannon I'm in Florida" I say

"What why are in Florida" he asks confused

"I'm visiting my parents" I say

"Ok well please stay safe if anything happened to you I wouldn't be able to...never mind just be safe kitten I got to go talk to you later" he says

"Ok bye" I say 

Beautiful Lie  (A Shannon Leto Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz