Chapter X Words of Advice

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"Oh there she is" my mother says when I see her

She is excited and smiling. She throws her arms around me and holds me tight. After she hugs me she kisses my cheeks and backs away. My dad hugs me next and I lay my head on his shoulder. After our long, exciting little family reunion we head home. When we get home I unpack my stuff in the guest bedroom then take a tour of the house. It was the first time I had seen the house since they got it. I've been to busy trying to get a photo shoot that I haven't really had time for anything else. Plus everything going on with Shannon, between those two I'm booked. I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table.

"So dad has Shelby or Hannah been down to see you guys yet" I ask

"Oh ya they came down about two weeks ago" he says

Great so both my sisters who have real jobs and lives and are constantly booked have been down to see my parents before me. Compared to them I had it easy, what kind of a daughter am I. I can't even find time for my own parents.

"Hey it's ok though they were only here for about an hour" he says and smiles

"Thanks dad" I say

My mom walks in and gets a glass of water.

"So Katherine I love having you here and I love that you came but why didn't you come down sooner. You know your sisters came down two weeks ago and saw us" she says

"I'm sorry mom I've just been busy" I say

"Both your sister are booked solid and yet they still found the time to come see us. Hannah has been working hard in her lab trying to find a cure for cancer and she also has a book tour. Shelby has fashion week coming up and two of her models quite on her. She has been busting her butt trying to find replacements and do most of the designing and creating on her own" she says

"Yes mom I know I know, but I've been working hard to. I'm trying to get a shoot set up for me" I say

"Well if it hasn't happened yet I would say forget it and move on" she says

"Forget it and move on? I've had a shoot before thank you I'm trying to get another set up. I've been busting my butt and working hard to. Yes maybe not as hard as Shelby or Hannah but I'm not them mom I'll never be them either we all have our own way of doing things. I've worked my tail off to get where I am and I'm not just going to drop it now or say forget it and move on. I've come to far for that and in not turning back or changing my mind and that's final. Now I'm sorry that I'm not your precious Shelby or Hannah and that I have to work to get what I want before I can work on improving it but I'm doing the best I can and so far that's held me up so I think I'm good. Just because I don't have a book tour or a fashion show doesn't mean I don't work just as hard as them" I say and walk outside

My mother was surprised and so was I. I've never in my life done anything like that. Then again I've never been angry, hurt, upset, confused, and worried all at the same time. I took all these feelings out on my mom when she wasn't the one who deserved it. Honestly I didn't know who did, I was the reason I felt all of the feelings I felt. Maybe I should have a good long argument with myself, maybe that will fix it.

"Hey you ok" my dad asks walking up next to me

"Ya fine, how's mom" I ask

"She is fine just confused I think" he says

"Dad I've done something terrible" I say

"What's that" he asks

"I ran away from my problem instead of facing it" I say shaking my head

"Well what's your problem" he asks

"Lying, Shannon and I have been lying to his mom and we even pulled his brother into it too" I say

"Well how's that" he asks

"Well Shannon promised his mom last summer that by this summer he would have a girlfriend. Well he didn't but Jared thought that Shannon and I were together so Jared told their mom that Shannon did have a girlfriend. When Shannon found out he freaked because he totally forgot but didn't want to let his mom down and he didn't know what to do so I told him I would pretend to be his girlfriend for the summer. We told Jared the truth and now he has to lie too" I say and feel awful

"Well does Shannon know how you feel about the whole thing" he asks

"Not really" I say shyly

"Well maybe you should tell him that's" he says

"Well that's the other thing, he really likes me and wants to be with me but I keep holding off because I want to wait I know that me pretending to be his girlfriend is killing him because I know he wants it to be the truth and not a lie. Honestly I'm starting to realize that I want it to be true too" I say

"Then why are you here" he asks

"Because I felt like I was hurting him to much being there and also I was hurting everyone else there too" I say

"I bet this hurts him more" he says

"Well I needed time to think, to really think" I say

"Well does he at least know where you are and that you're safe" he asks

"No" I say

"Well you might want to let him know that. If he really cares that much then he'll be freaking out" he says

"Ok I'll call him later" I say

He hugs me and smiles.

"No you need to do it now" he says then walks back inside

I pull out my phone and sigh, he was right. The moment Shannon realizes I'm missing he'll freak. I did leave him that note though so it should be fine. I put my phone back in my pocket and sigh again. I didn't know what to do. 

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