Chapter XXII Forgiveness

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"Are you sure you don't need anything?" 

"Yes mom I'm sure" 

"Alright Shannon, well are you sure it's ok for you to be home by yourself right now?" 

"Mom, I'll be fine" I say and hug her

"Jared and I will be at the beach house if you need us. I tried to call Katherine, it went straight to voicemail" she says

She hugs me again then starts to leave.

"Shannon you should know that if it wasn't for her, you probably wouldn't have made it" she says then closes the door behind her

  I walk upstairs, through my bedroom, and into my bathroom. I take a quick shower then rap a towel around my waist and comb my hair. The bathroom door flies open and I'm shocked when I see Katherine in the doorway with a bat.

"Shannon" she mutters and drops the bat

"Katherine" I say and pick her up hugging her

  I set her back down and there is a moment of silence due to the hug being so awkward. 

"What are you doing here" I ask 

"I didn't want to go home or to the beach house so I came here, if be alone that way and I was also able to clean up a bit" she says

"How long have you been here" I ask 

"The same amount of time ouch been in the hospital, so only four days. I hope you don't mind" she says

"No I don't mind. I'm glad you're here" I say 

  She kinda half smiles. Then I realize I'm still only wearing a towel and I head back into the bathroom and get changed into sweats. When I open the bathroom door I see her standing in the middle of the room. 

"So, there's a lot we need to talk about" she says trying to avoid my eyes

"Honestly id rather wait until tomorrow to talk. Right now I really just want to sleep" I say 

"Ok, I'll go then. Call me tomorrow when you want me to come over" she says

"No please stay" I say quickly 

  I could tell by the look on her face she was about to protest but I honestly wanted her to say. 

"It would mean a lot to me if you stayed with me tonight" I say 

  She rolls her eyes but walks over to the bed and covers up. I climb into the bed as well. Her back is turned to me but just having her here makes me feel better. I understand we have a lot to talk about tomorrow and I know we can't keep putting it off but honestly I'm nervous. After all I've put Katherine through I wouldn't be surprised if she just wants to walk away from all of this but I'm hoping that's not what she wants. I want her to stay. I want another chance to prove to her that I care about her deeply and if I get that chance I'm going to make it up to her. 


 I wake up to the sound of a bag being zipped and quickly sit up. I see Katherine walking out the bedroom door with a duffle bag. I jump up and follow after her. 

"Katherine wait please" I call after her

 She is already down stair and half way to the door when I see her. I walk faster and finally catch up with her as she starts to open the door. I close the door with my hand then finally take a breath.

"Shannon please" she says with moist eyes 

"I can't let you go yet, we need to talk. Please, let's talk" I say 

 She thinks it over for a second then sighs. She walks into the living room and I follow after her. We sit down and both of us remain silent. 

"Look Katherine, I'm really sorry. I was such a dick I really made it seem like I didn't want you around. Truth is I don't want you around, I need you around. You're my oxygen, my life support, my sunshine, you're my everything. Without you around I'm a mess as I so clearly demonstrated which I'm also sorry for. I shouldn't have been that stupid, I shouldn't have been so stubborn either, and I shouldn't have kicked you out or have said what I did" I say 

"Your scared me so bad. When I walked in and found you lying unconscious surrounded by alcohol and then I saw the pill bottle and...Shannon I was afraid you wouldn't make it, I was afraid the alcohol poisoning would steal you away from us, from me. I was afraid I'd never get to talk to you again" she says while crying 

"I never stopped fighting because I knew that I needed to stay for my mother and brother and you. I knew I needed to make things right with you, ask for you forgiveness. Ask for you to come back, to give me another chance" I say 

  She hugs me tight, almost knocking me backwards. I wrap my arms around her and just hold her. 

"Katherine will you come home please" I ask 

"I already am"

  The minute she whispers those sweet words I start crying too. 

"Will you be my girlfriend, for real this time"

"Of course I will Shannon" she says

  I hold her for a moment longer, then kiss her sweet lips. I hug her again then let her go.


"Sure Shannon that'd be nice" she says sweetly

  I walk into the kitchen area and then see a present on my counter.

"Katherine was is this" I ask picking it up

  She walks over and smiles.

"That's for you, I bought it as an apology gift, that's why I came over that night. That is also why there is a wine stain on your bedroom floor" she says

  She came over that night to apologize. Damn I was stubborn for letting myself go like that.

"Thank you" I say

"Go on open it" she says excitedly

  I open it to find a beautiful painting of a city that looked like New York with purple and orange skies and newspapers and trash in the streets. It is honestly a mystical and wonderful work of art.

"Kitten I love it" I say and hug her tight

"I'm glad you do, Jared helped me pick it out" she says with a smile

  I cook her breakfast and we eat together at the dining table. Katherine is finally mine, and I am finally hers. I can't wait to see where this new road takes us.

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