Chapter VI Constance Leto

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"So Katherine how are you liking the beach house so far" My mom asks

"Oh it's great, I never would have imagined that I would be staying at a place like this, I honestly feel like a princess and this is a castle" Katherine says smiling

"Well that's how you should feel because it's what you deserve, your a queen in my eyes and this is your palace" I say

"Oh Shannon that's so sweet of you" Mom says

"Ya it really is" Katherine says blushing

Katherine and I talked about our kiss. She apologized for running off, she said that she did it because she was scared we were going to fast. I don't think that that was to fast but I respect her enough to slow down. If she didn't want to move that fast then we wouldn't. I really like Kit and want a real relationship with her, but if she didn't want me to move to fast then I wouldn't. Jared thinks it's sweet but stupid he says she should like me all the same, whether we are moving fast with our relationship or not. He just doesn't understand when it comes to girls, we are both use to girls throwing themselves at us. We are use to girls who only want sex and their five seconds of fame kinda thing. He doesn't understand actually liking someone for them.

"Well she is my girl and she deserves the best" I say

"You know Shan I would say she is lucky to have you but I honestly think your lucky to have her" Tomo says

Two days after Jared, Kit, and I arrived here, Tomo came and at the end of the week mom showed up. So far everything is good between all of us. Mom seems to like Kit, so does Tomo. It's still early in the summer though, we still have several months who knows what's going to happen from now till the end of summer.

"How's that" I ask

"Well, she is a sweet girl and she makes you better, it's a good thing I mean it in the best way" Tomo says

"I know you do and yes she does, she brings out the best in me" I say agreeing with him

"Well I'm glad you are both happy together" Jared chimes in

"Yes I am too" mom says nodding

Kit and I exchange looks. We are happy but we aren't together and we knew that. I hated lying to my mom but I felt I would let her down to much if she knew the truth. After the whole thing with my ex she thought I had given up on relationships. I honestly had until I met Kit. She gave me hope again which I loved but because it wasn't enough hope to push things forward fast we just remained friends but knew we liked each other. She knew I didn't like lying to my mom and she didn't like it either, but we still did it. She explained to me one day that she felt like a little kid when you do something wrong but hide it from your parents. The feeling you get when you know because of that thing you did you will get caught. I told her that wouldn't happen but she still felt the same.

"Thanks you so much for cooking this lovely meal Constance, it's amazing" Kit says gracefully

"Aww thanks it's nothing" Constance says bashfully

"No it's amazing" Kit says back

"Mom your food is always amazing when are you gonna learn people are going to complement you" Jared says

"Your food is amazing mom it really is" I say

Tomo just nods, his face stuffed with food. I loved this, we were all together getting along like a family. It felt right, Kit by my side, Jared across from me, Tomo next to him, and mom at the very end at the head of the table. Honestly I wish it was true, all of it. This was us, this wasn't our family. Kit and I aren't together, I'm Jared and I are lying to mom, and Tomo well he is the only one who was himself. They were our bodies our words but not us. I felt like a lonely ghost standing in the corner watching it all. The perfect family that wasn't so perfect. How long would this go on for, how long will we lie?



"Mom may I talk to you" I ask

"Yes of course Jared, let's step outside" mom says back

She has always been a good listener and helper. When I have a problem I good to her first, if not her then Shannon.

"What's going on" she asks worried

She has kicked in to mother mode, ready for anything to come falling out of my mouth.

"I lied to you by accident" I say calmly and feeling ashamed

I've never really lied to my mom, yes I've lied to her in accident but I alway a correct myself right away. This time it was different.

"What do you mean" she asks

"Shannon and Katherine were never together, I thought they were, everyone did, but they weren't" I explain

"I see, so if they weren't together why is she here" she asks

"Well because Shannon got her her dream job so she is repaying him by pretending to be his girlfriend" I explain some more

"For the whole summer" she asks shocked

"Yes I'm sorry we lied" I say hurt

"It's alright honestly it's sweet, normally even if Shannon did help a girl out like that she wouldn't do something like this" she says

"I know but they have been going on dates for about two months" I say

"Well let's not tell them or Tomo you told me this, I want to see how long it last. You know I only want the best for your brother and I believe this girl might be the missing puzzle piece" she says

"Ok, wait what" I say realizing what she said

"Jared please I think your brother finally found a girl he really likes" she says

"Oh ya he has" I say agreeing

She just smiles and nods slightly.

"Ok I'll keep it secret" I say

"Thank you son" she says hugging me

I hug her back and smile.

"I love you mom" I say

"I love you too son" she says kissing my cheek


"Shannon I really don't like lying to your mom" I say sitting down on the bed

"I know sweetheart I don't like it anymore than you do" he says sitting next to me

Since Shannon and I are "together" we have the same room and share the same bed. We share the same bathroom too but so far that hasn't been a problem.

"Ya I don't think Jared likes it either" I say shaking my head

"No he doesn't like it either but it will all be ok" he says now covered up

"Ya" I say

"Come on get some rest" he says

I lay down all the way and cover up my mind still racing. Eventually I fall asleep.

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