Chapter XIII Fourth Of July

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I help my mom and dad set the table and almost as soon as we are done Shelby arrives.

"Shelby hey" my parents say and greet her at the door

I just stay where I am. Last time Shelby and I talked was months ago. I see her hug both our parents then they all walk in to the dinning room where I am.

"Hey sis" Shelby says and hugs me

I hug her back and smile. I'm glad that we are on good terms. I know that Hannah and I most likely won't be. The last time Hannah and I talked we got in an argument over me being a model and hanging out with Shannon.

"Why don't you girls catch up a but while your father and I finish the food up" our mother says with a smile

We both smile back, my smile a little weak. They go into the kitchen and Shelby and I head upstairs to her room.

"So how have you been sis" Shelby asks after we are in her room

"I've been ok" I say

"You don't seem so sure" she says

Truth was I wasn't sure because it wasn't the truth. I haven't been ok, I've been stressed out. I can't tell her that though she'll just laugh at me and say I have no idea what stress is.

"What's wrong sis, you know you can talk to me if you need to" she says

She looks worried an sits down next to me on her bed.

"What's wrong sis did Shannon hurt you" she asks

"No! No it's not like that" I say defensive at first

"Ok well what's it like then" she asks

"Well Jared kinda told Constance, their mother, that Shannon and I are together. Shannon had promised her last summer that he would have a girlfriend by this summer. So when Shannon found out that Jared told their mother that he did he kinda freaked out due to the fact Shannon and I aren't together. So because he helped me out I decided to help him out and so know we are pretending to be in a relationship. At first we thought that nothing would change but then Constance told Shannon to have me stay with them at their beach house" I say with my head down

"Wow last at lot to take in" she says

"Ya I know, but because it's been a couple months I kinda just left without telling anyone" I say

"Katherine you're going to give that boy a heart attack" she says

"It's not like you really care though I mean you hate that he likes me and that we hang out" I say

"Katherine, I don't hate that he likes you. I'm glad he does, yes I wish that I could be with him or even be friends with him but even if you two aren't together he is still your guy because you met him first. He likes you and you like him I'm happy that you've found someone I honestly am" she says

I hug her quickly and she hugs me back.

"Thank you" I say

"No problem, now call him and let him know you're ok" she says

"I already have I promise" I say

"Ok good, but you two have a lot to talk about when you go back" she says

"Ya I know" I say

"Come let's go back downstairs" she says

We head down stairs just in time for Hannah to arrive. After we all say hello to her we all sit down to eat.

"So I see you're here Katherine does that mean you're no longer with that man whore" Hannah says

"Hannah" mom says angrily

"Well it's true he is just using her" Hannah says quickly

"Hannah you really need to shut up, just because you're jealous our baby sister found a good guy before you did doesn't mean you can put her down for it. Leave her be" Shelby says taking my defense

"Since when were you on her side" Hannah snaps

"Since I realized that she is a better person than either of us and honestly I want to be more like her you should try to be too" Shelby says

At the Hannah storms out the front door and leaves.

"I'm sorry mom and dad I didn't mean to ruin the celebration she just can't talk to Katherine like that" Shelby says sadly

"Don't worry about it Shelby, we're just glad you had Katherine's side of it. We are very proud of you both" dad says

Mom gets up and walks off. She was a little upset, Hannah has always been her favorite.

"So Katherine how is the modeling thing going" dad asks

"Not so good, I haven't had a shoot in months" I say

"Hey I need a model for one of my shows the job is yours if you want it" Shelby says

"Wait seriously that would be great" I say

"Ok good, it's not like what you're use to or have done though" she says

"What do you mean by that" I ask

"Well it with be for a runway show for one and for two the model you will be filling in for is my top model" she says

"Wait a minute you want me to fill in for your top model" I ask shocked

"Yes, would that be a problem" she asks

"No not a problem at all" I say happily

"Ok well the show is in two week and it's in London will that be a problem" she asks

"Well, I'm suppose to be with Shannon and his family at the beach house" I say

"Well why don't you bring them along, how many are there" she asks

"Four, there's Shannon, Jared, Tomo, and Constance" I say

"Ok that can be done, dad do you and mom want to come too" she asks

"Sure honey we would love too" he says

"Ok then it's settled I'll reserve six seats and each flight and hotel room will be paid for. How many rooms do we need" she asks

"I don't know I'll have to talk to them to see" I say

"That's fine I just need to know by the end of this week" she says

"Ok then you'll know by then" I say and smile

Shelby and I spend a couple more hours talking about the shows. After we talk we help make dinner then we eat. After dinner we head outside and shoot off some fireworks. Today has been a good day and I'm glad I got to spend it with my family. However tomorrow I will be heading back to California. I can't wait to see Shannon. I'm going to tell him the good news about Shelby giving me a job as her top model and I'm going to tell him how I really feel. Tomorrow is going to be a big day!

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