Chapter III 1000 Flamingo Rd

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"Hey Nicole I'm going to be leaving later today" I say walking into the kitchen

"Ok, were are you going and how log do you need my car" she says in her normal sweet tone

I don't have a car so anytime I want to go anywhere I use Nicole's.

"No Shannon is picking me up, and I'm going to be gone for about four months maybe more" I say twirling my fingers

"Four months, why that long" she asks with a shocked expression

"Shannon and Jared's mom is going to come and spend the summer with then at their beach house"

"Uh huh" she say

"And Jared told their mom that Shannon had a girlfriend so I told him that I would pretend to be his girlfriend for the summer"

"Uh huh" she says again

"And we thought everything was going to be normal then his mother said to have me stay with them, all summer so I said yes because I already told Shannon I would pretend to be his girlfriend and figured it would be rude to back out on it now" I say

"Uh huh" she says again this time biting her tongue something she did often when she thought

You know that feeling you get when you've done something wrong and you know it. Your parents know it to but the want you to tell them and all they say is uh huh. Well that's the feeling I'm getting right now talking to Nicole. A guilty, I know what comes next feeling.

"Well all I have to say is do what you think is best" she says

I feel my self sigh in relief, i thought Nicole was going to get mad or yell. Nicole typically wasn't the type to lose her temper but when she did you better watch out. She is one of those super sweet, angel like girls that is you piss of could kill you and get away with it. It was honestly scary sometimes. Especially since she loved mysterious and stuff and always watched those cop shows like Criminal Minds. Then she would name off all the stuff the bad person could have done to get away with the crime. Scary, like worst than clowns or balloon animals scary.

I went to my room without a word and packed everything I thought I would need. I packed plenty of neatly folded clothes, my tooth brush, my hair brush, my makeup, and somethings to do for fun. I checked them all off the little list I had made and throw the list away. I texted Shannon and let him know I was ready for him to pick my up an I wheeled my two suitcases, one small one medium sized, to the door.

When Shannon pulled up I let him in and he said hey to Nicole.

"You sure you have enough stuff" he say with a slight smile

"Girls need their things" I say

"I know that why I'm asking you don't seem to have that much" he teases

"Wow" I say rolling my eyes

"Ya I saw that slight smile" he says grinning

"Whatever" I say

"Come on let's go, see ya later Nicole" he calls walking out

He wheeled my bags to his car and put them in the back along with his. He opened the passenger side door for me and I climbed in.

"You know I can take my own bags and open the door for myself right" I say smiling slightly when Shannon got in the car

"Yes I know but it's polite of me to do it for you" he says

"Yes I guess it is" I say

We drive for a bit then I don't recognize and of the surroundings anymore.

"Where are we going" I ask

"Laguna Beach" he says

"Huh, I've never been" I say

"Ya I can tell, you look so awestruck" he says with a small smile

I blush and look out the window. The breeze felt nice. It was cool and fresh. Shannon always drove with the windows down unless it was to cold. His car was always clean and shiny too. It was a 2015 Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG. It was a nice car but I liked Jared's better it was a black Willy's jeep wrangler.

We drive for about another hour and finally we get there. 1000 Flamingo Rd, Laguna Beach CA. Shannon thought I was awestruck earlier he should see me know. I'm like a little kid starting at ice cream or something. It was a massive house. It was a mansion, a modern house built for a king.

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