Chapter 18: The Calm

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Chapter 18: The Calm


I woke up the next morning with Kellen heavily on my mind. I knew it took a lot for him to open up about his youth, and I was grateful for that. However, I knew the memories pained him a great deal so I wanted to make him feel better.

I was up before him which wasn't any surprise. I slowly crept out of bed, and made my way into the bathroom to take care of my hygiene routine. Once I was finished, I went to check on Amir. I thanked the heavens that he was still asleep, which meant I had time to prepare breakfast for everyone before he woke up.

Making my way into the kitchen, I began thinking about how I would lift Kellen's spirits. A smile took over my face as I thought about the perfect way to brighten his day. We would have a family day out. I knew Kellen enjoyed when we all spent time together.

I was in the middle of making the eggs when Mama walked into the kitchen with Amir on her hip. His face lit up the minute he saw he, and he began reaching in my direction. I placed the spatula I was using on the counter, and wiped my hands before grabbing my babyboy from her.

I placed kisses all over his chunky cheeks. "Good morning baby boy," I turned my attention to Mama. "Good morning ma."

She sent me a warm smile and proceed to pick up where I left off on breakfast. I was thankful for the help so I sat down at the bar with Amir seated on the counter. I made goofy faces at him while he joyfully played in my hair.

"Pass me the applesauce and a spoon please," I pointed to the cup of applesauce I'd taken out for Amir. Once Mama gave it to me, I opened it and started feeding Amir. The boy turned into a completely different baby when he was hungry.

"So how'd it go last night?" Mama asked after a moment of silence.

Another wave of sadness washed over me as I thought about Kellen's past. He had surely been through a lot. It amazed me to this day how strong he was. He had truly started from nothing and grown into a successful man that I know his sister would be proud of. I for one was so proud of him.

"Not so good Mama," I shook my head. "He opened up to me about his mom." I confessed.

Mama's eyebrows raised and she gave me a look that told me to go on.

"It's bad ma... like real bad. This is something Kellen needs to tell you himself, because he really needs your wisdom."

Mama's features shifted into a look of confusion.

"It's that bad?" she asked, a face full of concern.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "I was thinking about taking him and Amir to the beach today. Just to get his mind off of things."

"I think that's a good idea. Y'all take all the time you need baby, we'll be here."

I nodded my head in thanks, and finished up feeding Amir. After Mir was done eating I helped Mama plate the food and set the table for everyone to eat.

By the time we'd finished doing everything, everyone else was awake and seated at the table. We all blessed the food and began eating.

"So what do y'all have planned today?" Snipe asked as we were all enjoying our breakfast.

I forked a few eyes into my mouth and glanced over at Kellen. He was looking back at me with his face pulled into a look of confusion.

"What you looking at me for? I just woke up," he shrugged.

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