My Saniwa Bio

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Okay.. i just wanna share this...

Just so that you could know my saniwa a lot better.. ^v^ '

Name: Saibankan-No-Kami Takara Kishimoto

・ Age: 15

・ Gender : Female

・ Height : 172 cm

・Weight: 70 kg

・ Starter Sword : Kashuu Kiyomitsu

・Citadel Secretary : Otegine

・ Fave Tantou : Fudou Yukimitsu

・Fave Wakizashi : Urashima Koutetsu

・ Fave Uchigatana : Yasusada Yamato-No-Kami

・ Fave Tachi : Shishio

・Fave Oodachi : Hotarumaru

・Fave Spear : Tonbokiri

・ Ultimate Husbando : Otegine

・Mai Toudan Child : Sayo Samonji
・Dislikes : flirty people, tight spaces/rooms, too overpopulated areas, perverts((even tho i kinda am one xD)) , judgemental people, unbelievers((it kinda is one of the most common dislikes of a Christian)) , um... spoiled children((the ones that throws tantrums 24/7... faqing annoying))

・Likes : Blood, Art, Paintings, Sketches, Martial Arts, Animals, Birds((they're so funny and stupid and at the same time cute)) , Vegetables((yes.. i'm vegan)) , nice people, large/loose clothes, funny stupid and weird things, Creepy things, Broken dolls, burned corpses, creepy stories about ghosts that will seek revenge, studying, observing, strange stuff..

Physical Characteristics : She's a tall girl despite her age. She has flaming red eyes, and hair that is black as burnt corpses of the dead. She wears a Short Kimono coloured most Black, and Red highlights. She wears Gothic Lolita boots, and has a very big rope with a dangling cat bell tied to her waist forming a ninja knot on her back. She wears a Cross-shaped silver necklace, and a Rosary inside her kimono. She only wears Eye-makeup. Just thick eyeshadows. No lipstick or blushons. Just eyeshadows. She also wears Cross-shaped silver earings. She can be indentified easily because of her thick eyebrows that forms as if she's always angry. She has short upper eyelashes, but thick and long under eyelashes. Her kimono pattern is dark and lets say.. creepy. Her kimono patterns has human skeletons and small dead flowers.

・Backstory :

... SaibankanNoKami Takara Kishimoto. She belongs to the Harutomo-Kishimoto Clan heired by her granfather who is a shogunate. But, there was an attack that massacred her whole clan. ((Lel clash of clans)) But she was still young back when this happened. Her mansion was burned to ashes.. all that was left for her was a lotus and a very big and long rope. She wept, but later on she stopped thinking that she might get killed, and her family's death would be for nothing.. so she went up and to the temple she offered the big rope. The priest there then blessed her rope. But infront of her innocent eyes, she saw the same assasins that killed her family, and she witnessed as they killed the Shinto monk. With his last words, he told her to wear the rope so that she would not lose herself. She ran. And bumped to a Catholic priest. There she was taken care of the priest and the whole monastery. She was also converted to Christianity. Then, she met a devoted Catholic that studied Buddhist philosophies for years. That man taught her Martial Arts and the act of Self-Defense. But now that she's 15, she lived the rest of her life as a traveling sage. She went to visit the remains of her mansion, and she found a hideout. She found a scroll that has extraordinary powers. She then learned to give life to the swords that her Grandfather had. Hee grandfather's name was Yuuki Harutomo. She got the name Kishimoto from the man who she was suppose to marry. But he died in the fire of that incident. Sad enough, she still carried that name. Since her clan is in alliance with the Kishimoto clan. Yes, she'll forever be a widow. So she now lives her happy life as a Saniwa. Everyday, she prays and gives thanks to God for giving her a happy life. Her name SaibankanNoKami was from the Catholic monk that took care of her. She was named Danielle meaning God's Judge. But then, he translated it to her dialect. Which is now her name. Her eyes turned flaming red due to the fire and the bloody ashes of her burned family...

She's also fond in painting.. but she always paints horrifying paintings..

The one painting of hers that became viral in the citadel was her painting of a Waka-Onna mask that was a gift from her sword, Doudanuki, during the Summer festival. She kept it, and painted it. It became one of the most famous portrait she had in the citadel. Another was the Fiery Dragon. It was just a portrait by Watercolor of Ookurikara's dragon tattoo. She just changed color perspective.

・Crossover : (Partial the Score) ((this is a story i made)) In her school, she was forced to remove her blessed rope. So, she expressed her violence towards her mean classmates there. She loses her mind and kills for good grades. Once she returns to the citadel, she regains sanity as she wears the rope again.

・Some secrets : She has a crush on Otegine. But Mitsutada has a desire on her. But she does not have feelings for Mitsutada. Otegine doesn't express his love for her cause he thinks it's distrurbance in the citadel, especially the swords. He only does when they're not around. There was a time when Mitsutada confesses his feelings for Takara, but she respectfully refused. She only thinks of Mitsutada as a big brother that will always be there to support her in everything. So, since Mitsutada loves her, he respects her decision, and instead, he just has to act like a real big brother to her.

She gets a little sad when talking to Yamabushi, Juzumaru, Ishikirimaru, and Kousetsu. Because she remembers the Shinto monk's death she witnessed.

One of the reasons why Takara has a huge love desire for Otegine is because she remembers/sees her past fiancé in him.

Takara treats Sayo almost like his son. Cause she finds him adorable and innocent despite his sorrowness. She also thinks that he's like her in a way.

・Citadel Lines:

I am Kishimoto Saibankan-no-kami Takara. I will be your master in this goddamn citadel. All of you must behave and listen to my commands...or else.. i will be giving an intimidating punishment!!
Heehee~! Understood~?

*Citadel Idle:
-What to draw today?

- Huh? You wanna be my model for my sketch?

(Leader) Hmm! LEADER!!

(Member) You're lucky.. you have lesser stuff to do.. MEMBER!

*Destroyed swords
Why?! Why do you have to do that you bastard!!

Come back!! You have chores to do.. *sob* idiot!! *sob*

Haha! You can comment stuff about your saniwa/saniwa oc if you wanted!!

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