Chapter Forty-Four

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I placed my hand against the clear glass. Watching the merpeople swim with each other in the water, displaying the biggest smiles on their faces.

Why wasn't my life like that?

I curled my hand into a fist, punching the glass. I could feel my face swelling up as the tears began to build inside my eyes.

I wiped it away, not wanting anyone to see me like this. I was tired of crying.

As I stared ahead, I saw the reflection of the woman who wished to speak with me. Her stare could break the glass I was using as support.

There was a long silence that I didn't plan on breaking. My eyes froze at her reflection. Her hair was beautiful and long like the photograph that I found before this madness started. I couldn't hold eye contact for long, but I got a glimpse of how blue her eyes were.

They weren't as blue as Mira's. It must be because of our line coming from dark mermaids.

Fighting to be like regular mermaids were our life struggle.

I turned around, not making eye contact, as I leaned against the glass. My hair fell on my face, covering one of my eyes. I couldn't look at her, but another part of me shouted that she was my mother. The mother I always wanted to know about. The one I dreamed of meeting again for years.

I shook my head, remembering how she was never there for me. She chose the world of the sea and left me to figure it out on my own. I may have had a protector, but a protector cannot take the place of a mother.

A tear escaped, and I let it slide down my cheek.

It seemed the only emotion I was able to convey was sadness.

"Isn't it interesting that our tears, even though made of water, don't activate our mermaid side?" My mom spoke, softly.

I gritted my teeth. "You see me for the first time in years and that's the first thing you tell me?"

The Guardians held their swords closer to me. I couldn't believe how much of a threat they made me out to be. I didn't even know my way around the ocean, and they probably thought I could destroy the world if I wanted.

"Guardians, please leave us." My mom swung her hand toward the rippled entrance.

They took a step back, while keeping their eyes on my mom. The swords were still being pointed at me. I put my hand to where the snowflake was and rubbed it. It shot a strong chill through my heart. It caused me to lose my balance, and one of the Guardians held me up with their sword.

I pushed the weapon away and took a step back. I kept my hand away from the snowflake, now knowing what else it could do to me.

"Leave!" She shouted at them.

Without a second thought, the Guardians walked out through the ripple.

"You guys are going through such extreme measures for a small girl," I sighed.

My mom took a step closer to me, while I took one back and glued myself against the glass. If my mother thought I would cry, smile, and embrace her, then she should keep dreaming.

I wished they took me away to my execution, because I couldn't bear the pain of looking at someone who left me. The same person that chose to live under the sea and work for the people that wanted me killed. Did she want me dead, too?

"I don't want this," she hesitated. "Lara."

"Then do something about it!" I snapped. "You weren't there to help me! And now you work with the people who want me dead!" I screamed as the tears rolled down my cheeks. There was a strong pressure against my heart and the snowflake wasn't helping. I was struggling to get air into my lungs.

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