17: Cordelia

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Emma, Cristina, and I, were all running to the weapons room, to meet up with everyone else. On the way there, Emma quickly explained to me that a nest of Mantid demons lived near by, and that there would be a lot. I was a bit nervous, I had never fought these kind of demons, before. The three of us walked into the weapons room, where everyone else stood. I immediately went and stood beside Lucie, and she held my hand reassuringly. I saw Anna, her necklace pulsing bright red.

"How many of them are there?" James asked.

"A lot." Julian frowned. "So we'll need to be careful. Livvy, Ty, you two can come fight if you want, but Dru and Tavvy have to stay inside."

Livvy and Ty looked happy to be included, but Dru looked glum. Tavvy was much too young to care, tugging at Livvy's pant leg. Everyone grabbed their preferred weapon, and I picked up a few seraph blades for myself. Everyone quickly changed into gear, and Lucie started to mark me. All of the sets of Parabatai did, whispering to each other. When we were all ready, we all walked to the front doors, and lingered for a moment.

"They're going to be right outside." Julian started. "So when we go out there, you need to quickly close the door, okay Dru?"

Dru only nodded her head, still sad that she couldn't fight. Julian then counted to three, and we all ran outiside. The Mantids were everywhere, and they looked horridly disgusting. I whispered "Nakir" and my seraph blade lit up. A Mantid lunged at me, and I slashed at it. Lucie and I fought side by side, and I could just myself feeling more stronger, in her presence. She and I fought back to back, slashing and hitting at the demons.

When they had cleared from our spot, I looked up to see how everyone else was holding up. James and Matthew were also fighting back to back, doing the same thing as Lucie and I. Mark was shooting arrows all over the place, lodging themselves into the demons, Anna close to him, her necklace still pulsing. Diego was fighting close to Livvy and Ty, both side by side.

Cristina was beside Jaime, and they looked like they had been fighting together for a long time. They probably have, I thought. Finally, Emma and Julian were fighting beside each other, and there was something a bit more special to the way they fought, than most Parabatai. They seemed to move in sync, already knowing where the other would be. Of course, Lucie and I did that, but I had never seen it been done this well. It was fascinating to watch.

"Cordelia, look out!" I heard a voice shout. James.

A knife was then thrown in my direction, just over my head, and I heard it lodge itself into a Mantid. I whirled around, and saw James not too far behind me, his golden eyes very bright.

"You need to watch around you, Daisy." He grinned.

Daisy. He hadn't called me that, since we had been children.

"I didn't think you remembered that old nickname." I admitted, smiling.

"What, Daisy? How could I not?" He chuckled.

"I don't know, it sounds a bit too childish now." I said.

"Well, I hope you do not intend for me to stop using it." James grinned wildly, and in that moment, he looked exactly like his father.

I chuckled. "No, I do not."

James was about to say something, when Julian shouted that all of the demons had been killed. Dru then opened the door and bounded outside, Tavvy in her arms. I found that the two of them were quiet inseparable.

"You guys did great! Especially you, Matthew." Dru gushed.

Matthew grinned. "All for you, my lady."

She giggled, and I shook my head at him, amused. We all then went back inside, and I went to my bedroom to take "shower", as they called it here. I was used to baths, so the first time I had showered, had been quite a peculiar experience. After I was finished, I dressed in black pants, a white sweater. Everyone was sat in the living room, speaking to one another. I took my seat next to Lucie, and looked at everyone else. Emma and Julian looked distressed.

"We have to tell the Clave about the attack, Emma. You know we do." Julian frowned.

"But what about Mark?" She said. "What if they find out about him?"

"I could just stay in my room until they're gone." Mark suggested.

Cristina shook her head. "They'll want to do a full search of the Institute, to see if anything attracted them here."

Lucie sighed. "The Clave creates too many problems."

"Tell me about it." Emma muttered.

"You have to tell the Clave." Diego spoke seriously. "It's our duty to report to them."

Emma narrowed her eyes. "We don't suck up to them, Centurion, like you probably."

Diego scowled. "I don't suck up, to them. I just know that it is my job and duty as a Shadowhunter to follow the law."

"That is true." Anna said. "But it might be too risky. They'll take Mark away if they find him, won't they?"

No one said anything, which implied that the answer was yes. Julian then suddenly stood up.

"I have an idea." He said.

Julian then looked down at Emma, and they had a conversation through their eyes.

"No." Emma said a few seconds later. "It'll never work."

"What other choices do we have, Em?" Julian said. "We have to try."

"What?" Mark asked. "What's your idea."

"I think that we should call Jia Penhallow here, the Consul." Julian said the last part to all of us Londoners. "And explain the story of how Mark got here. Maybe she'll understand."

"What makes you think she will?" Cristina asked, worriedly.

Julia shrugged. "She lets us still talk to Helen, and let her come back to marry Aline. Maybe she'll understand. You guys know she doesn't like the Cold Peace, she only enforces it because she has to."

We were all silent for a few seconds.

"That could work." Mark said finally. "But what about everyone from the past? What will she do when she sees them?"

"They'll have to be out of the room, when we talk to her." Emma said.

Everyone agreed with Julian's proposal, and then he and Emma left to go call the Consul. I hoped that it would work. I had grown to care very deeply about these people, and did not want to see their family torn apart, for the second time. It'll work, I assured myself. It has to.

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