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It is wonderful how love can connect hearts that never met each other, lips that never felt each other, and fingertips that never touched each other.

Falling in love like that was not my plan. Falling in love was not my plan. There was no plan, but I never expected this.

There was not such a long distance between us, but it still was a fine flight. They announced the landing. A weird feeling settled in. Nervousness. Or, perhaps, it was excitement. There was no denying that those creatures that dared to call themselves butterflies suddenly turned into dragons. 

The plane finally touched the ground, and a warm smile appeared on my face. The time seemed to slow down, but at the same time  every next step and every next breath completely erased the previous one.

My eyes met a bunch of legs, whose owners probably were waiting for their loved ones. Slowly, my gaze lifted and wandered among all the unknown faces, looking for the only familiar one.

Our stares connected, and, I swear, that was where Earth stopped spinning, everything stopped, it was just the two of us. We started out in a painfully slow walk. As we were two steps away from each other, we stopped for a short second and then collided.

No word broke the silence, everything was said through the hug. We let go what felt like ages later. It still did not feel enough. He grabbed my hands and held them while looking straight into my eyes.

"You are here," he voiced as if not believing I was real.

I confirmed his shaky statement: "I am."

There was no possible way to capture that moment. No poet could write a poem good enough. No painter could use colours good enough. No writer could stitch words together good enough. No photographer could find lighting good enough. All of that was not good enough to express the bliss, the love of the moment.

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