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You realise you have gotten the right person when the only thing they do behind your back is make you happy. 

Without me knowing, he had bought the ticket on the same flight to my hometown with me. Taxi brought us to the very entrance of the airport. It is such a wonderfulfeeling to know you do not have to farewell, to know you do not have to be separated from someone you adore.

Stepping out of the plane and breathing in the fresh air, I knew I was home. I was at the place where I liked all the people I hung around with. And I had an assurance that they liked me too, I knew they would not betray me, I knew they would never intend to hurt me or people I find important. It was a huge relief that washed over me when I realised that nobody will judge my choice.

A friend of mine picked us up from the airport. "Hello, I am the co-author of all her messages," she completely forgot about my existance and rushed to introduce herself.

"Actually no, you are not co-author. You are more like a listener, the person who had to read the most of the messages and listen to me either fangirling about Gabe or madly hating him," I laughed.

"You hated me? I feel offended," he chuckled as we were getting into the car.

"You should feel flattered, I do not bother to have any feelings towards most of the people. No hate, no love. They are not worth it." I ended my sentence with a peck on his lips.

My friend chimed in from the front: "That is true! She cares about, like, five people in the whole wide world. It is wonderful meeting you Gabriel. I have always believed that you two are perfect for each other. I knew it will work," she smiled at us into the mirror.

That is the thing about best friends, they believe in you more than you do. I do not know what for I was awarded with such a wonderful friend. All I knew was that I would get lost without her. She can be annoying at times, but that is part of her that I would never want to go away.

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