Night thoughts

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"Care to show me around the city?" his fingers laced through my hair.

I looked up to his face: "In the middle of the night?"

"Yeah, and you can  get your friends too," he smiled at me.

"You want to meet my friends?" I carefully asked.

He sighed: "Yeah, I do," his lips curled upwards again.

Soon I had called my friends, who, in fact, were already out. Giving him the last kiss, we exited the house.

My university friends were unpredictible. They will judge the nicest people and befriend the worst ones. You never really know what to expect from them. I think it mainly depends on the last film they saw or what mood they happened to be in. Bringing new people has always been risky. You either end up thinking you are weird for choosing to befriend that new person or you end up thinking you are out of your mind for joining their circle.

They are toxic. People who make you feel that way are toxic. You have to avoid them at any costs. I rather be alone in four walls than go out with them. 

To my mind the definition of a true friend is - a person, who will not purposely hurt you; person, who will not hurt you just for fun; person, who will not hurt you just because your actions do not match their ideals.

They ended up not too fond of him. To me it did not matter at all, I knew that soon I will be gone, completely out of their lives, I just had to graduate.

Our hangout did not last long, I dragged us away, I did not want to be around them, I did not want him to be around them.

Slowly I led the both of us through the city, showing him all of my favourite places, and ending up at the most wonderful and the most beautiful place. It was a quiet park next to a river, rare lanterns made it even more special.

It is the night under the stars, when you look at your loved one while they gaze at the stars and an afar light beams in their eyes, that is when you realise the whole beauty of life, the whole beauty of love, the whole beauty of the person sitting next to you. 

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