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Unfortunately employers need people with loads of experience, therefore I did not get the job.

"I have an idea," he jumped onto sofa next to me.

I turned to him: "Really? Surprise me."

"We can, well, you can move to my place and I am sure I can make some calls and get you a job."

"It is a huge step," I tried to hide my concern.

"Come on, we are getting married soon anyway," he took my hand and pecked it.

I let my thoughts run wild: "Maybe it can work, but I still have a lot to do here. I have to get rid of all the furniture, arrange my departure with the fat owner and so on."

"I will help you with that, I just want  to fall asleep next to you every night from now on," he smiled at me as I leaned in for a kiss.

For the rest of the night we laid there watching TV and talking occassionally. It truly felt like we were the only ones left in the world, nobody else existed, just us.

I took a look at him to see that he was fast asleep. My subconsciousness did not let me wake him, so instead I tip toed to the bedroom to get a duvet.

Swiftly covering him, I made myself comfortable next to my fiance. His hand soon travelled around me and rested on my back.

"We should go to the bed," I whispered.

"No, this is perfect," he answered without movement.

And I could not disagree. Anywhere was perfect with him. We could be in the middle of nowhere, exposed to cold rain, and that would still be perfect.

But maybe that is what love felt like. We don't really need anything except them. The other person becomes our world, becomes our present and future. Whenever we see them, our world instantly gets better. They wake unexperienced emotions in us and it is absolutely beautiful.

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