State of mind

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The sunny mornings were traded for heavy rain for a change. Raindrops raced down the car windows, and the streets were empty with a rare black umbrella rushing in one direction or another.

I snuggled deeper into the lent hoodie. His thumb rubbed back of my palm as the other hand lightly gripped on steering wheel. My free hand rested on boxed cake on my lap, lightly tapping away in no particular rythm.

Slowly rain picked up its speed and we ran to the staircase softly along the way. Seconds after ringing bell a happy, gray-haired woman appeared in the door.

Soon I found myself helping her in the kitchen, while he sat by the table and occassionally joined the conversation. It primarily  span around me. I told her about my family, life back at home, and university.

She was a lovely woman. She cared about her grandchildren just like any regular grandmother. She was noticeably sceptical about me first, it could be felt through her choice of words, but it didn't take her long to open up and let the thought of me loving her grandson sink in.

People are always careful about new personalities in their lives, especially in their loved ones' lives. We want to save them, to keep them away from potential disaster, but we don't want to come off as control freaks, so we sit back and think prior about every word that leaves us. We shield new people from ourselves, hoping that our loved ones will not be oblivious. But they are. Frequently they will assume that we have something against their choice.

The depressing weather, too, never ruined the warm atmosphere - it came to be yet another rich topic for the conversation.

The heavy sky is supposed to change our mood into bad type of careless. It happens because we let it do its job. Said bad days can easily be turned into good ones. Said good days can easily be turned into bad ones. It is state of our mind that controls our behaviour. Only we can change the situation about our feelings, but often we think we have only one choice - to go with the flow.

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