Taken away

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You never really know what you have had until it comes to an end. A sunny morning could not be uplifting enough to make this day worth living. Nothing was able to make me happy, no matter how much it tried. The usual laughs were converted into uncomfortable silence. The only sound in the whole flat was my huffing and clothes stuffing into the obviously too-small suitcase.

"Gabriel?!" I called out all annoyed.

Soon he appeared in the doorway: "Yeah?" A little bit of fear was tangled in his voice.

"Help me to close the suitcase, please," I plopped down onto the bed. His laugh filled the room, and his feet carried him to the stuffed bag lying on the floor.

Funnily enough he ended up in the same position as me, before he asked if there was anything breakable inside. Without giving me a chance to answer, he sat down on it. My laugh filled the room.

The luggage was (finally) comfortably sitting by the door, I was taking the last lap around the flat to see what else I had forgotten. With one sad look we left. They say that habits are formed in a time of twenty-one days, in my case it was three times faster. We start appreciating things only when they are taken away from us. 

They say that airport has seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls. Our last kiss could radiate light of longing and missing if someone stood close enough. 

Rising up above the sky, I was left alone with my thoughts. The city became smaller and smaller, I could see every street I laid my feet on, and for a short moment I thought his car appeared in my vision. And finally tears broke.

I unlocked my phone and started listing through all the photos. We start appreaciating things only when they are taken away from us. We start appreciating things only when we are taken away from them. And it is not bad. It is good. The most importatnt is that we enjoy the moment while it lasts, the other way we would think about the end before it comes, and ache for even longer. 


A/N - This is not the last chapter.

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