Hot beverages

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The ride to his flat was a comfortable, happiness filled trip. The city around us was just starting to sink into twilight, and the streetlights were slowly making debut.

Too soon it darkened. I turned my head to the right side and looked at the calm water below us. The skyscraper on the other end of the bridge beautifully towered in the slow waves with glowing indoor lights. 

I turned to my left and smiled at the alluring twinkle in his eyes. Shortly his lips curved too and he faced me for a brief second. He returned his look back to the road.

"What?" he asked and gave me some of his attention again.

I shook my head and turned back to the road ahead: "Nothing." The smile was permanent.

We stopped at a small filling station and entered a shop. "Can you get me coffee? And what do you drink? Tea?" he sounded genuinely confused.

I chuckled wholeheartedly: "I drink hot chocolate. Coffee with two packets of sugar?"

He kissed my forehead: "Yeah."

The corners of my mouth curled  and I took off to the coffee machine. I put a cup in and pressed black coffee button. 

Fixing my gaze back at him, I found his smile contagious. The guy, who was looking back at me, had girls all around him, the girls he could hug at any given day. But he chose me, even though I was far, far away.

He had paid for our drinks just as I was taking my drink from the machine. 

"Black coffee. Two sugars," I smiled and handed him the cup.

He took it from me and bowed: "Thank you, my lady." We slowly returned to the car.

I blew the steam of the hot beverage away from myself, and turned to face him: "Gabe?"

"Yeah?" he showed me his dimples.

I looked him in the eyes: "I love you."

He crooked to right side a little and beckoned me over with his index finger. Our noses were few inches apart, and the same finger of his was used to lift my chin. He looked at my lips and then back to the eyes. Afterwards he whispered an almost-there I love you. Our lips finally touched.

Forget the butterflies, forget the dragons. That was something even bigger, abeting a storm inside of me.

Suddenly every piece of every unmade puzzle fell into the right place. Everything felt absolutely right. There was no force, no pressure. Just love. Pure love. If this was my destiny, I accept it unconditionally.

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