Chapter 3

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.: Chapter 3 :.

This room Is disgusting, I Thought as I Sat on the cold floor Crying.

I'm Cold, Hungry, Filthy, Depressed and Really Annoyed. 

Isabelle Is annoying the shit out of me. It's my fault, I Shouldn't of been stupid and Say It was my fault. She keeps apologizing, But sorry Isabelle, An apology isn't going to get rid of Bruises and scars on my Now filthy skin. 

Someone sighed and Wrapped their hands around my waist, Pulling me Into their chest, And started rubbing my back, Smoothly. 

"Don't Cry." They said, Well I Think that's what they said, I Wasn't too bothered to listen.

Only a day. Only a day to get beaten.

I shouldn't of done it. Why am I So stupid? Why would I Do that? Why didn't Isabelle stop me? Ugh!! I Let out a shaky breath. This is Aloud of bullshit!

I eventually stopped crying and Took In a shaky Breath, Running my hands through my hair.The person who was holding me, lifted me up, Onto my feet. I looked up and seen, Nathan. Obviously It was him, He's my best friend. He wiped my eyes and Half Smiled, Which I Didn't return. I just gave him a blank stare. Harsh, Yes I Know. 

I looked around and seen Isabelle asleep, Jace laying beside her, Holding her close to her chest. I Sighed. I Will never have a Life now. I Don't think that we're ever getting out of here. I will never get married, Raise a family and Travel the world. Nope, I'll get none of that. Only Abused, Starved and I'll eventually Die in the hands of a monster. 

My mother's stories were never like this. The Girl/Princess always got her happy ending. But me, Nah. 

I Caught Dylan starring at me. There was no emotion in his eyes, Just Blank. He glowered at me and Turned around to whatever he was doing. 

I Don't get him? He's too confusing! 

The pain in my body was getting worse, every minute. I Groaned and Stood up; Hearing my Back crack. 


I'd never thought of Suicide before. It ends pain, Right? It gets me out of here, Away from these weirdos. But, I Can't leave Nathan here. He needs me here with him. Cutting myself doesn't show weakness, It shows strength? What am I Even saying? shut up Skylar! But, maybe cutting myself will get this pain away...

All eyes were on me, As I Limped towards the Horrible-run down door. I Opened the door with a squeak and Walked inside, Locking the door behind me, and Searched the Cabinets, For anything sharp or That could Possibly kill me. I Moved my hand underneath the shelves and Flinched when My finger was cut by something Sharp.  I Pulled it out and Examined it. It was a piece of Broken Glass, Probably from the Smashed Mirror on the wall. 

I Took a deep breath, And placed the Sharp object onto my Right wrist. I Closed my eyes, All yesterdays Activities racing through my mind. Anger boiled up into me. 

I Don't deserve a life Like this!




I dug The sharp object into my wrist, Cutting it. I bit my lip, Watching as the fresh red blood poured out of my wrist and onto the Already dirty floor. Fresh tears were already spilling from my Eyes. I let the Glass Drop to the floor With a Thud. 

I Starred at my Wrist. The blood Uncontrollably gushing out of the wound.

I Can't believe I Done it. I, Skylar Jones has Sliced her wrist, And in a space of a day?


"Skylar! What are you doing?." Nathan yelled from the outside of the door, Making me jump. I unlocked the door and opened the it, Trying to hide my wrist, While Nathan Starred at me.

His eyes traveled down to my arm and His eyes narrowed onto my Hand behind my back. 

''Why are you hiding your-IS THAT BLOOD!?'' Nathan Yelled and Quickly grabbed my wrist. 

"Why the fuck would you do this, Skylar?" He Whispered. He pushed me Back into the Bathroom and Searched through the Cabinets. Probably to find something to cover my wrist. He pulled out a Grayish Bandage, And started to wrap it around my Wrist.

''Why skylar? Why didn't you tell me?'' My mumbled to himself. But I Heard him. 

He pulled me outside and Sat me on one of the Beds. I Starred at my wrist, As Nathan Spoke up. 

"I've Had it up to here!" Nathan Yelled, As he Pointed to his head, ''I'm Getting out of here.''

Dylan started laughing and Quickly stood up, Walking towards Nathan. He was A Little bit taller than Nathan. 

"Do you think that we never actually tried to escape? Do you think it's so easy to just walk right outside that door? I've been stuck Here for Six fucking damn years, Waiting for someone to come and Save us, But no one came!" Dylan snapped, His fist Clenched tightly.

Nathan Glared at him, Getting closer to his face. 

''Stop it, If yous start fighting we'll never get out of here,'' I whispered. Dylan starred at me, His face stiffening. Nathan Nodded and Cleared his throat. 

"I Never said it was going to be easy. I'm not staying here for six Damn years being abused and Starved. I'm getting out of here If you're all with me or not?" Nathan said. Jace Smirked and Grabbed Isabelle's Hand, Starring at Nathan and I. 

''We're in.''

I Stood up and Grabbed Nathan's Hand. He smiled down at me. 

''Do yous have any other clothes there? There will be running." Nathan said. Isabelle nodded and Quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dresser. She looked through the dresser and Pulled out dresses, trowing them onto the floor, Until she finally came across Two black Sweat pants and two white T-shirts. 

We ran into the Bathroom and Started to undress. I Caught her starring at my wrist.

''Skylar, I'm sorry-I-I should of said something, I Was just scared...'' 

''It's okay. I just don't like seeing people hurt, Or getting hurt; So I Took the Bait.'' 

We walked out, Towards the boys. 

Everyone sat on the ground, Except for Dylan he leaned against the wall.

Nathan Cleared his throat, Starring at everyone.

"Some guy is going to come down those steps In any minute, So let's make this quick." Nathan Began, ''When the guy walks down those stairs, I Kick him down, So he'll land on his face or where ever. Dylan and Jace, I want both of yous to knock him out and search for some kind of weapon. He'll obviously have one. Isabelle and Skylar Yous are on look out.'' Nathan Finished and we all Nodded. 

Eventually, We heard The door being Unlocked and We all shared Nervous Looks. What happens if there are more than One person? I Shook my head, Shut up Skylar and think Of yourself being in the arms of your family.

I Held my breath as I watched the door opened and In stood that Man who Abused me. He walked down the stairs, Never once leaving my gaze. Nathan slammed the door and Kicked him down the steps.

Dylan jumped on top of him and Snapped his neck. I Gasped and Quickly looked away from the sight. He wasn't suppose to kill him! 

Isabelle and I Sneaked up the steps and looked outside, No one was there. I Grinned at Isabelle, And she returned the Grin.

''You weren't suppose to kill 'em!'' I Heard Jace say. Dylan mumbled something, But I Didn't quiet catch it.

''Clear!'' I Whisper/Yelled down the stairs, Trying not to let them into another fight.

"Two pistols and One knife." I Heard Jace's voice again. 

''Lets go!'' Nathan Whispered/Yelled.

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