Chapter 17

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Chapter 7,

With out even thinking, I sprinted towards the sound of my crying child. The screaming didn't stop, Not even for a breath, But me being me, Didn't think for a second. I just ran. Dylan and Nathan ran after me, Probably trying to stop me.

I turned a corner and found a red recorder. I picked it up and was about to smash it against the wall, When his voice Came Into the recorder,

"Do you miss your mommy, Abel?" His awful voice said. I could hear Abel Crying softly, In the background.

"Answer me!" He screamed. Abel yelped and started to stutter. Abel only stutters when He's terrified. My poor baby, Is being held hostage by a horrible man, His father. Those two words, Make me sick, Bringing back memories of how I was treated.

"I-I W-want T-to Go Home!" Abel sobbed. It broke my heart that I ain't there to tell him that everything will be fine, When in reality, It's not.

"Abel, Do you know who I am??" He asked him. Oh Please no, He can't know the truth. He'll be heart broken.

"N-O.." Abel stuttered. The man started chuckling to himself and he breathed out a sigh.

"Abel, I'm your daddy. Dylan," He hissed the word Dylan, "Isn't your daddy, I am." There was silence and the recorder stopped playing. I dropped to my knees.

What kind of mother am I? I can't even watch one child, How could I look after a whole family? Tears started spilling from my eyes. Could you blame me? I was got pregnant when I was 17! I was supposed to be out parting, Not stuck in a shit hole being abused and Raped.

Why me? I was a good child. I never done anything for people to hate me. My own mother doesn't even speak to me, Because I didn't get an abortion; But how could I? I was taking away a precious child's life.

The noise of the recorder brought me back to reality. I looked down at the recorder In my hands, Waiting for Someone to speak.

"Now, That I have home handled, Let's get down the business." He Said, Like we were having a normal conversation.

"Get away from your family, Out of their sight. If you want to see your kid Alive, I'd advise you to listen to me." He started off. I listened and waited for his reply, But nothing came back. I looked down at the recorder, Waiting for it to play.

"Meet me at the Mall, And I don't mean A random one, The one were your life turned Into a fairy tale." He chuckled to himself.

The mall.

The very same mall that my life turned upside down.

Owwwwww, CLIFF HANGER !!
Sorry for late update, I was busy this week ('.')
I Will be editing my chapters, For grammar and Spellings.
So my chapters might take a while, Stick with me peeps!


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