Chapter 11

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Chapter 11,

Oh god, I'm gonna puke again. I jumped out of the bed and Into the bathroom, Getting sick like the fifth time tonight. Maybe I'm just sick and not pregnant? Yeah, I'm just sick. I Kept telling Myself.

I sat on the toilet floor, Crying.

What a messed up life, Abused and raped.

I'm the luckiest Girl in the fucking world! Note the sarcasm.. 

Why can't anyone find me? Why am I Still Here, In this dump! I Sighed and Slumped to the floor. Collin Busted through the doors, His Face pale and his hair messy. 

"Get up, We need to leave now!" He quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, Making me groan in pain, Again.

He ran outside the room and down the familiar hall. We passed by dead bodies of his men. Evil bastards deserved it, I Thought.

Collin quickly ran outside and stuffed me in the back seat of his red car. Police sirens went off, Coming closer and much louder.

Oh my God, They're going to find us! Was All I Thought, As the sirens became louder and louder, Every minute. 

Collin sped off From the warehouse and Into some forest. The police sirens started to fade, Leaving only the sound of the engine. No, No, No, No! This isn't suppose to happen! We're suppose to be saved! 

I didn't even notice that Dylan was sitting beside me. 

"Where are we going?" I whispered to him. Stupid question, I know. He simply shrugged and his Gaze moved towards my Flat stomach. Why is he starring at my stomach?  

Finally, The car stopped and We were dragged out of the car, By Collin and the other guy. They started dragging us to an Old cabin deep in the Forrest. Great, We're definitely going to die in here. 

Collin Kicked the door down and Threw Dylan and I To the Floor. I Grunted and Rubbed my right shoulder. Fucking ass! 

"You two better keep your damn mouth shut, Or I'll kill yous!" Collin spat.

"Why can't we just kill them? Dump their bodies and get the money?" The other man asked. 

"Not yet you moron,'' Collin slapped the other guy on the Back of the head, ''It's fun when Their Parents are trying so hard to find them, And they can't. I Want their parents to feel their pain." Collin snickered. I Starred in Fear, and Shock. Without even thinking, I Opened my mouth.

''My parents are dead,'' My voice was Harsh as I Glared at Collin and The other Dude. Collin simply chuckled and Bent down to my level, Grabbing my Chin and holding it tightly. 

''Watch that tone of yours.'' He warned, ''Your parents arn't dead, I left them in the hospital!'' Collin started laughing and Let go of my chin. 

My parents are alive! They're alive! I can get out of this mess, And they'll come rescue me. Then, I Frowned. My mom and dad are in the hospital, How can they find me? Safe me? How can he do this to my Mom and dad! That evil son of a bitch! 

"Skylar, Because you were so good in bed, I'll let both of yous Shower. But not together." I starred at him In disgust. The other guy chuckled and walked into another room. Dylan glared at Collin and Quickly snatched my hand and pulled me into a bathroom.

The shower had No glass surrounding, So anyone could see me showering. How are we going to shower? Ugh!

''You can have a shower first, I'll cover you with the towel so He can't see you,'' Dylan said And held the Towel up, So you couldn't see my body. 

"thanks.." I told him, He gave me a sad smile and Looked away, As I Washed myself. When I Was done, I Quickly dried myself with the towel Dylan had and Put on my dirty clothes that I Already had on. 

"I'm done, Will I hold the towel for you?" He nodded his head, Yes. I held the towel for him, Looking away.

''Awe, I Missed the good part,'' I Heard Collin whined. I Shivered and Kept looking at the Dirty brown wall. I Heard him Chuckled and Listened to his retreating footsteps. 

Eventually we finished showering and we walked back out into the room where Collin and the other dude was. Dylan sat In the corner and Brought me with him, Making me sit on his lap. 

"Skylar, What did he do to you?" I Was dreading this question. I Didn't want to tell him, But part of me trusted him. I Gulped,

''He-He'' I Didn't get to finish my sentence when Collin Spoke up, Grinning like a mad man.

''I Fucked her,'' Collin started laughing and shot me a Grin. Tears were already pouring out of my eyes, As I Looked away from him.

Dylan's Grip on my tightened, as he Glared at Collin.

''You're pathetic. Couldn't get a real Girlfriend, So you raped a 17 year old Girl?'' Dylan Snarled. Collin stood up and Pulled out a gun, Aiming at the both of us. 

''Shut it right now, Boy.'' He warned, And took his gun off of safety. 

Oh dear Lord..

"They're gonna kill us.." I Whispered to Dylan. Dylan sighed and Kept his mouth shut. Collin smirked and Pulled the gun back into his Back Pocket.

''I Thought so,'' He said.

Wow, That was crap. Next chapter will be much better, Hope you enjoyed :)

Kidnapped Book 1&2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora