Chapter 19- I think this is the End.

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Chapter 19,

Knowing that you're going to be killed In the next 24 hours, Isn't great. Knowing that your child probably wont be safe and sound In his own Home, Isn't great either.

After he dragged me Out of the Mall, He knocked me out. I think you know the drill. Doesn't change. Probably wont change. I'm actually not tied to a chair, I'm lying on a steel Bed. My back Is in pain, From laying here too long and My leg just fell asleep.

A chuckle erupted through the room. I know damn well who owns that chuckle. Collin-The guy who raped me, Walked towards me.

"I've being looking for you Since, I fell off that cliff; And now, I finally have you." He Leaned over me, So we came face to face. How did he even find me? I moved away, Far away than my normal home.

"Five fucking damn years, I searched for you. Until, Your kind friend, Helped me." I starred at his Dark green eyes, Filled with.. Lust and Anger. What's he mean by... Friend? None of my friends knew where I moved to, Except for Nathan, But He only found out yesterday?

"Who?" I managed to say. His lips turned into a smirk.

"I cannot remember his name..." He lied. I knew he remembered. I'm not that stupid. He Starred at me and turned around to walk away.

He returned with a silver suitcase. He placed It on the steel table, and opened it up. I couldn't see what was In it, And I didn't want to know.

"Remember when I told you that I would kill you? Send a letter to your parents?" His lips returned to their smirk. "That was a promise."

He pulled out a long Blade, Examining it. He returned his gaze to me, Grinned and Pulled up my top, Revealing my stomach. He slowly placed the blade on my stomach.
Digging It Into my flesh. I screamed In pain, Struggling to get free.

He Started writing His Initials on my stomach, Never once dropping his grin.

"P-Lease! S-s-top!!" I yelled, In pain. Blood oozed out of my stomach and onto the silver blade. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't even explain it, And I wouldn't want to.

He pulled that blade out of my stomach and wiped his hands On my stomach, Getting rid of the blood-Well, Some of it. Tears were streaming down my face. I just couldn't stop. The pain.

He Untied me and told me to stand up. I couldn't move my body, It was like I was paralyzed. He starred at me, Angry and Punched me In the face. I yelped and held my face, And yes It did cause pain.

He grabbed my two wrists and pulled me up, Making my stomach burn. I started sobbing, Not even looking at him. He pushed me to the ground, And Ripped the back of my shirt. Why can't someone help me? Just completely kill me, Shoot me In the head.


I screamed In pain as he whipped my back, Over and over again. I felt something slowly move down my body, Of course it was blood. I cried In pain and Fell down onto my stomach.

"Goodbye, Skylar." I dragged my head towards Collin, And seen a gun. He clicked the gun, Pulling it off safety.

Goodbye life, Goodbye Abel, Goodbye Dylan, And goodbye Nathan.


I might end It soon, But there will be a twist at the end. Sorry for the late updates, But I have tests coming up and A Lot of studying. Again, Sorry for the late update ! I'll update soon, If I can!


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