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the house above^^^

<3 Lexi


My mouth dropped halfway to the ground seeing the beautiful house in front of me. What in the hell?? A gang lives here?? " It's nice right?? " Ashton said smiling at my expression. I nodded holding Pepper a little less tightly then I had been. We must be on a dozen acres or something of land. I took a deep breath as we neared the door. " Look I am going to set you down, now don't run or I will have Harry knock you out again, also when we go inside you will walk with us calmly and do what we tell you. understood?? " Copy cat ordered. " yes sir copy cat. " I muttered and he rolled his eyes understanding what I meant.

" its Luke actually " he corrected and I rolled my eyes. " yah OK copy cat " I joked. He groaned in frustration and opened the door letting me walk in. The houses smell instantly hit me making me gag. Alcohol and cigarette odor. If I do stay here I know the first thing I will do is clean this house. It is far to nice on the outside for the inside to be a huge wreck.

A few guys sat on the couch playing a Xbox game looking just as scary as everyone else. Tatted up and pierced, some even going the extra mile and dying their hair. They are all copy cats. " how many of there are you?? " I whispered to the guy next to me with dyed orange hair. " about 30, why trying to figure out how many people you will have to take out to get out of here?? " He whispered back teasingly. I rolled my eyes. " no Special Agent Orange I was just wondering " I joked enjoying coming up with nicknames. " It's ahem, Michael " he corrected and I smiled. We walked towards a staircase and I was led up having to dodge more people.Manners don't exists here I guess.

I was taken down a hallway and towards a single black door at the end. " good luck " Michael whispered and my heart skipped a beat . I handed Pepper to Ashton and bit my lip trying to prove I wasn't scared and was about to fall to my knees and cry my eyes out. I turned the door nob and walked inside closing it shut behind me. I inhaled and turned around seeing a beautiful office. I grew somewhat comfortable around these guys during that short car ride but now the realization set in. I've been kidnapped.

It had black walls and ceiling with white carpet. A long black leather couch sat on the right side wall with white decorative pillows on it. On the left there was a giant flat screen with a few book shelves filled with books on either side of it. A long glass case was in the middle of the back wall filled with different types of weapons. On the right of the door there was a map of what looks like the city with pins of different colors stuck in at random spots. On the left there was pictures hanging with more pins and strings going from one to another almost like a spiderweb of different colored string. In the middle of the room sat a L shaped desk with two computers on it as well as papers, pictures, and a few guns. A tall black chair sat behind it facing the wall. I stood in my place and cleared my throat. " uh hello?? " I croaked and the chair turned around to reveal the hottest man to probably ever walk the earth. well except Ryan Reynolds. I swallowed as he stood up and walked over to me. He stopped in front on me and looked me up and down before twirling a piece of my hair in his hand.

" beautiful " was all he said before he turned to walk back to his desk leaving me astounded. " can I..I uh ask, why did you k..kidnap me?? " I asked trying to contain my fear. He sat down in his chair and smiled." because, you're mine. " He simply said. My heart pace quickened as I bit my lip. What did that mean?? I'm his?? I've never seen him in my life and don't even know the guy, yet he says I am his??

" You see I have been watching you ever since the first day I saw you. You're beautiful and kind and now mine. I left you alone because you were with your family at first, but then I saw how they treated you. I had a plan to take you from that dreadful place but it seemed you had other plans. You put yourself in real danger you know. You may not know this but right now there are two gangs fighting for you. One wants to kill and torture you while the other wants to protect you from harm. Which do you think we are Harley?? " he finished leaving me shocked. I was being fought over and I didn't even know it. I had been stalked in a way and I didn't even know it. Have I become blind?? Am I dreaming?? More importantly am I in the right place?? Will I be protected and locked away, or tortured and eventually killed?? Honestly, I don't know which is worse.....

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