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Liam ^^^


Harley's Pov 

I sat in the back seat letting Johnathans stroke my cheek. This man was beyond scary and I wanted nothing more then to cry but I wouldn't. I was not gonna show this man I was weak. I was gonna stay strong until I couldn't anymore. 

Seeing my brother in the condition he was in broke my heart and to see what he did to Caleb made me realize how much I really did truly miss him. How I missed that protective figure always around me. Calum satisfied that but they were both different. They both held a part of my heart and I knew I had to stay strong for them like Louis had done for me and like I knew Calum would. 

I was snapped back to reality when a hand began to travel up my leg until I slapped it away. I glared at Johnathan and he smirked. " are we moving too fast?? " he whispered in my ear and I moved away from him causing my shirt that I was sitting on falling off my shoulder a bit. 

       He pulled me back over to him angrily and pulled down on my shirt that covered a certain someone's mark on my neck " get this bitch away from me she is to be locked up until that mark on her neck disappears " he yelled climbing over the seat and another boy took his spot. I had a guy that was looking out the window on my left and a guy that was looking at me hungrily on my right . Oh hell no. He licked his lips and laid a hand on my knee trailing up slowly. I went to hit him when he pulled out a knife and placed a finger to his lips. I bit my lip and looked foreword growing scarder and scarder every inch he climbed towards his destination. The boy looking out the window turned slightly and saw what he was doing and before I knew it the knife was in a different hand and the hand was off of my leg. " don't you dare " he snapped and I watched as they had a stare down. The boy on my left closed the knife and slipped it in his pocket and the other guy groaned and moved away leaning against the other window. I debated wether to thank him or not but decided to keep my mouth shut. 

    During the ride I had gotten tied up and blindfolded and now I was even more terrified. 

We were walking through a cold hallway I think and then I was thrown into a room with very cold floors. I heard some talking and tried my hardest to understand for my sake. 

" Liam your in charge of her keep everybody away from her and tend to her needs I'll come by every now and then to check on that mark " I could hear Johnathan say and I worried about who this Liam was. 

Would he hurt me or would he leave me alone?? I didn't know the answer to that but I really hoped it was the second one. I heard a metal door slam and the blind fold was taken off gently. 

I sighed in relief seeing the boy from the car ride that protected me from needy boy. He grabbed my shirt and looked at the mark and sighed  " four days max " he said and I assumed he meant until it healed  " you better pray Calum comes in time " he said and I looked at him with astonishment. " who are you?! " I asked backing away a little bit unsure if this was a trap or not to tell him the plan so he could tell it to Johnathan. " would you relax " he snapped and I glared at him " how do I know if this a trap or not huh?? " I snapped and he rolled his eyes chuckling. " I could always go get another guy to watch you oh how 'bout the one from the van ride?? He would enjoy watching you because nobody would be watching him. " he said and I groaned 

" why are you helping me?? " I asked and he sighed sitting on the couch in the room " because I used to be in Calums gang before I was forced over here. " he said and I looked at him wanting to know more. " Johnathan is holding my girl captive he said I could still be with her if I turned over to the other side. Calum understood this and allowed me to make the switch but he knows my loyalties will always lay with my one and only  home. " he said and I stood over sitting next to him. He was being honest I could just tell " we will get y'all out of here  " I said and he looked at me with tear filled eyes  " she's dying " he choked and I gasped hugging him instantly. He hugged back breaking down completely. Why did he trust me with this. Was it because I was the only one that seemed to care or the only one he could show weakness to because I came from the same place he called home. I didn't care why he trusted me. I knew I could trust him and that was all that mattered. For now I wasn't alone and now neither was he. 

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