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Louis ^^^


Louis Pov 

I slipped my hands quickly back into the ropes as Jonathan walked in with a couple men 

" let's go Louis there's a trade happening soon " Jonathan chuckled and I gasped 

No Calum!! 

He couldn't have agreed to trading my sister to this freak. Fuck! 

Hopefully there was a plan thought out for this trade because I know Calum would never let her go and just trade herself in. 

I rose to my feet and was pushed along towards a car. I was nervous not ready to see my sister be given to this freak. " knock him out " Jonathan said and I looked to the boy next to me with a needle. " pretend I knocked you out " he whispered and I nodded banging my head on the window loud enough to think I got knocked out. I didn't even care who this dude was I was too busy memorizing the way. I made sure to find a specific detail and watch all the street signs with my eyes barely open. 

We pulled up to a abandoned parking lot where Calums  black escapade waited. I could see his figure hugging a smaller one and I knew it was my sister. I watched as he mouthed the words ' I love you ' and placed a kiss on her forehead. The car door opened and I was dragged out and put on the hot pavement. Calum opened the door and I could see the anger on his face that he used to mask that he was nervous. 

My sister then stepped out with red hair and a pained expression. She had really grown up it was no wonder Calum  fell For her so quick and if she's still the sister I left 3 years ago then there's another reason. 

I hated leaving her like that but for one it was to keep her safe and two legally I couldn't. Not that it really matters if I legally could or couldn't. I guess I just didn't want this life for her but it's too late. Here she is about to give herself to Satan himself all to save my ass. I hated it. 

Our eyes met and she ran to me quickly gathering me in a hug. I felt the ropes loosen and I hugged her back tightly not caring about the pain in my body. 

" you won't be here for long I promise " I said and she looked at me with tears nodding  

" bring my prize to me " Johnathans voice rang through the air and she was yanked away from me. Calum went To run to her aide but he was stopped by some of Johnathans men. 

" where's Caleb?? " he asked and I snapped my attention to his figure. I got up and ran to him knocking his body to the ground and beating his face in. I hated him to the max even more so for the fact that he was on Johnathans side. 

" Louis He raped her!! " Niall shouted and I froze. What!! 

I stood up and picked him up by his shirt throwing him back to the ground hearing many cracking noises coming from his body. " That's enough!! " Johnathan yelled and I was pushed over towards Calum and everybody else  " Luke went to grab me but I shoved him away  

" don't touch me right now luke " I warned and he nodded. 

I stood beside Calum watching as my sister stood with pride in front of Johnathan. She certainly didn't look terrified but we all knew she was. I loved my sister and growing up as close as we were she couldn't hide a thing from me not even now. 

" I didn't expect you to make this trade but you did and I'm greatfull for that but im no fool. I know you have some sort of plan but I promise you it won't work " Johnathans said before Harley let out a small Yelp in pain because he grabbed her by the hair and yanked her into the car. " What's the plan?? " I asked and Calum looked at me " to get her back but first you need to heal up because we need you to train a little bit  we have a week that's the maximum amount of time that I will allow her to stay with him " he snapped and he went back to serious all mighty gang leader. 

" move out " he yelled and we all piled into the van and headed towards the house where I would train and look foreword to spending my days in the future with my sister once again. 

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