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        I stared out the window as we pulled up to the venue.  It was quite beautiful. I was helped out of the car and I held up my dress so it didn't get dirt on it. Calum wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to our seats which were in the front row on Louis side probably his choice. After sitting for a while I observed that all of Louis friends sat on our side and Emily's on the other. Pepper sat in between Calums chair and mine but no matter what he refused to lay down. I smiled at Louis who walked down and stood at the alter. I worried about him. He had scars all over reminding him of the past, a past that he left behind. He isn't even in the gang anymore. He chose to leave yet Calum and the other stay. It is true there is more work to be done but I don't know if that's why they stay. Maybe because they are scared. They are all a family maybe if they all chose to bring down the gang they would lose one another. Maybe maybe not I didn't quite know for sure.
I heard Harry's obnoxious voice and saw him walking down the row with his cane.
" hey how you been cooped up in that
hospital " I asked and Harry rolled his eyes. He has been in the hospital awhile because not only was he shot in the stomach but also in the knee. He is healing wonderfully but he still hates me.
Finally an organ began to play and there she was, the devil herself walking down the isle towards my brother. Pepper stood up and began to growl and Calum pushed his head down. I looked at Calum and he looked at me both looking worried. I starred at her and she glared at me. I rolled my eyes as she put a smile on her face again.

     A long ceremony went on and now came the vows

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A long ceremony went on and now came the vows. Louis opened his mouth to speak wiped a tear and started. " Emily Jane Browning. I love you so much and though the little bit of time I've known you may seem inevitable for our love to blossom it has happened. I never understood love until I met you and now it's all very clear. You are the only one I dream about. The only one I see in my future. I hope we blossom even more then now and I hope our love never runs out because I love you so and without you I would have nothing more then my self and my dog. " Louis said and everyone chuckled a bit. " I think you mean my dog " I joked and everyone laughed including Louis. Emily fake laughed and looked at their hands together. " Louis you are amazing and I hope we blossom too because I love you. " I scoffed at her vow that was short and absurd. Calum kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear. " calm down " and I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. They said there I dos and walked to their limo. We got in our car and headed to the place where we would eat and dance for the rest of the night.
    I stepped out of the car with Calums help and held his hand. Pepper was under michaels super vision and I was just ready to see my brother. Our group walked through the arch way and we were greeted by strangers. I huddled close to Calum. I had a new found fear of being crowded since the horrible incident with the other gang. I felt Calum wrap his arm tight around my waist and pull me through the crowd of drunk boys and girls. I saw my brother sitting with his bride at a dinner table and I walked up to him. " aww Harley you look beautiful. So do you Calum. " Louis teased and we laughed. I held up a finger and ran to the DJ. A familiar song came over the speakers and I held me hand out to Louis who laughed and took it. Let it go by James bay was our song. We would always dance to it. I laid my head on his chest as we swayed and spoke. " I'm gonna miss you big brother. " i looked up at him and he shook his head at me. " I'm not going anywhere I left you once I won't again. " he said and I shook my head at him as he spun me around. " but you already have. You love her and no matter how much I hate to admit it y'all are going to have children and knowing her there is no way she would let them around me. You know she and I don't get along. " I stated sadly and Louis held my chin up. " little sis I would never let that happen understand me?? If I'm being honest no love can compare to a brother and sisters. Especially after what we've been through. We will always be kit and Kat and
m&m. Nothing can break that bond not even a wife or a husband. " he exclaimed. I smiled and nodded. We danced until the song ended and he was pulled away from me by his new wife. " looking a little lonely " Ashton said coming up next to me and I sighed nodding.
He held my hand as we began to sway.
" what's going on?? " he asked and I shrugged
" brother sister problems. " I said and he nodded " she doesn't like you you don't like her is that it?? " he asked with a smirk.
" precisely. " I stated and he chuckled. " your brother loves you don't worry about it " he said and I laughed and nodded " yah so I've been told. " I stated blankly. " I'm going to go find Calum " I said and he nodded and I walked around the room trying to find him. He was no where to be found.
I saw Michael with Pepper and walked over quickly. " hey have you seen Calum " I asked and he shrugged and pointed outside. I took Peppers leash from him and stepped outside seeing Calums form up on a hill starring down at the ocean. I took off my heals and began climbing up with Pepper sitting next to him. Calum wrapped his arm around me quickly and kissed my cheek. " fun wedding isn't it. " he stated and I laughed " so fun is that why your out here?? " I asked and he nodded " yah too many rich people. " he joked and I laughed slapping his arm. There was shouting and I looked down the hill seeing my brother, red faced and angry. " Calum. " I gasped and he turned around.

   I ran down the hill, Pepper and Calum close wondering what could make my brother so angry.
" Louis what going on " I asked and I gasped as a all so familiar man walked up to us with a smirk and a gun in his hand. " hello children, long time no see " he chuckled and I was pushed behind Louis.
    The man that haunted our dreams stood there in front of us. He was still and messy. His hair flew every which way and his hands were bloody. I could only imagine what he did to find us. He stood at a posture that was caused by the slouching in the recliner, with a slight pained expression.

    I shivered and grabbed Calums hand that reached for his gun. The rest of the gang stood behind us and I motioned for them to keep their guns holstered. The disgrace walked foreword and smiled a rotten smile and grabbed a piece of my hair and twirled it staining it red with blood, making me whimper.

" you can't run from me. I always know where you are. I am your father after all "

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