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I was just about to fall asleep when the door swung open revealing a half naked Johnathan 

I screamed and jumped from the bed over to a corner trying to avoid his touch at all cost.

" stay away from me!! " I yelled and he chuckled shaking his head. 

" I'm tired of waiting " he said running towards me. I tried to run from him but his arms were already tight around my waist pulling me back to him where he slammed me to the ground. His hands found my wrist and they were pinned above my head and my legs were locked by his while he began to kiss me making his way down slowly. One though continued to race through my head. It was about to happen again.

Calums Pov 

We pulled up to the building hiding our cars in the darkness of the trees. I could hear her screaming and yelling for Johnathan to get off over her mic and anger overwhelmed me. I wanted to make him suffer I wanted him to die but I knew deep down that wasn't the past I would take. Yah I'm in a Gang but in my opinion that means protecting my family especially after hating my original one. I would do anything for this gang including murder if that meant they would live another day. 

 " everybody remember the plan?? " Ashton yelled over the walkie talking capturing my attention and we got all yeses  

" time to get my love back " I said cocking my gun and stepping out of car. We waked up towards the front of the building where two guards stood. We heard them gasp and run inside. 

Niall and Luke ran forward and held open the doors for us. 

It then began and blood was starting to shed. 

Liam's Pov 

I stood by my girls bed side holding her hand while she slept deep into her coma. I was losing her. Hurry Calum 

Then the sound I've wanted to hear since I've been here rang. The alarm. I looked at Zayn and he  nodded starting to grab her from the bed. I ran out of the door towards Harley's room and looked at Johnathan who had her pinned against the wall. " Johnathan!! " I yelled and he looked at me with furry " their here!  " I said and Harley's body dropped to the floor. She yelled in pain and Johnathan ran out of the room. " nobody is to get to her understand?? Prove your loyal " he said and I nodded. I did need to prove my loyalty. I needed to prove that I was on the right side and that maybe I was finally proving to the whole gang that I was worth it. I ran over to Harley cocking my gun. She looked up at me with terror in her eyes. I looked at her and  smiled  extendeding my hand to her.

" let's go home  " I said and she smiled taking my hand and pulling herself up 

Harley's Pov 

Liam grabbed my hand and led me towards what I suppose was the exit the gun shots were getting louder and I stopped " come on Harley this is the only way out " he said and I sighed and nodded. We ran until we reached a corner if which we were turn we would be in the battle.

" what do we do?? " I asked and Liam shushed me. On the other side of the hall there was another corner and a guy with black hair and a black short beard appeared holding a girl in his arms. Liam's girl. He set her down and pulled out two pistols.

Liam looked at him and nodded as he pulled out another pistol. They began to fire while I covered my ears not wanting to hear the bodies hitting the floor. I screamed as I was lifted up and pulled around the corner " HARLEY " I heard Liam shout and I screamed seeing Johnathan smiling face. He brought me outside and I saw my family across the field and I went for it  

" CALUM!! " I screamed at the top of my lungs and I saw a body stop completely and start running my direction. Calum. 

I began to wriggle my hardest managing to be dropped. I gasped for air and began to back away from Johnathans laughing form " your mine Harley stop trying to deny it " he said smiling but it soon faded when a gun sounded and he fell to the ground clutching his hip. I looked up seeing Calum aiming a gun a Johnathan with the meanest looking  face.

Johnathan laughed and opened his arms " fire it Calum come on I almost did your girl lets go " he said placing his forehead against the front of the gun " fire it " Johnathan yelled and Calum kicked him backwards " I should kill you shouldn't I " Calum growled through gritted teeth. He stepped back lowering his gun " but I won't because I'm not as low as you " he said and he brung his gun back and knocked Johnathan out with it. Sirens were heard and everyone began to run into hiding. 

I looked at Calum and stood up quickly jumping onto him and burying my face in his hoodie while he wrapped one around my waist and the other stroked my hair.  Even though it was four days I had missed him like crazy and never want to be separated like that ever again. I was scared that I might not see him after I was taken away in the van and I didn't want that to happen because for the first time in my life I found someone to fight for, to think about, to dream about, and to make me happy. And feeling that way is something I had never experienced And experienceing it now made tears fall from My eyes just thinking about how much my life have changed so quickly for the better. I'm finally not alone. 

We let go of each other and he held my hand tightly practically dragging me towards his car I cringed seeing some of the bodies but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Harry. He was gasping for air and clutching a bullet wound a little bit above his hip. I looked at him and kneeled down next to him. " Harry can you hear me " I asked and he looked at me " yah I can hear your you I'm not dead yet" he snapped and I smiled slightly. " ok we are gonna get you some help so you don't die. " I soothed and Calum ran over and bent down picking him up with a grunt. " you gotta lose some weight man " he teased and Harry rolled his eyes hissing In pain.  " it's called muscle you should get some " he shot back and I smiled at them.  The cops lights were barely visible at the moment but we knew they were coming. Everybody had disappeared and we were the last to pile in the car that already seated Luke Michael and Niall and Ashton. 

This was it the cops were gonna get Johnathan and I would be able to live me life but I was mistaking. 

I gasped when somebody caught my eye. " Calum " I whispered and he looked at me and then looked at where I was looking and he gasped  " how in the..." He began but he disappeared into the thicket. At that moment we knew that wouldn't be last time we saw Johnathan. 

For Better Or For Worse...Gang StoryWhere stories live. Discover now