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     Little Bit Of Somethin Somethin in here, not too exciting...

Also Harry Up Above^^^ 

Lexi <3


After we had finished cleaning up all the bullets from the Nerf war we were all just chilling.  Everybody was in the kitchen waiting for me to cook for them. Like what the hell. It's cause I am the only woman in the house aint it. Yes it is. I grabbed Calum's cell phone from him and moved to the counter and jumped on it, dialing Pizza Huts number. I waited for three rings until the familiar voice picked up. 

   " Hi Caleb, yes i'm ok " I said with a smile. Caleb was my best friend, that also happened to work at Pizza Hut, where I ordered from many times when there was no food in my old house.

" No I'm in no danger but I do need pizza, a bunch of pizza. " I said and he chuckled " of course how many?? " he asked and I counted all 40 boys. " about 15. " I said and he went silent " where are you HarBar?? " he asked and I sighed. " where I should be, now about those 15 pizzas,  5 chees.. " 

" Harley! " he interrupted with a loud voice, making me move the phone from my ear. Calum had made his way over to me glaring at the phone letting the jealousy show. I held a finger to his lips and spoke on the phone. " Caleb I need you to shut up, OK?? " I snapped and he went quiet. " Listen to me very clearly ok " I said softly and he sighed. " I need 5 cheese, 5 pepperoni, 1 veggie lovers and four... " I looked over at Michael and he smiled " meat lovers! " he yelled and I giggled " and four meat lovers, I will be there soon goodbye. " I said hanging up. Calum looked angry as he grabbed my hand yanking me off the counter and dragging me to the bedroom. " Who was that?? And your not going anywhere! " he snapped loudly and I cringed. " That, on the phone was my old best friend who works as Pizza Hut, and if I send one of you scary dudes up there to get it he will call the cops are we done?? " I snapped and Calum let out a weird growl thing. Calum grabbed me and laid me on the bed. " Not yet " he whispered sending shivers up my back. " Cal.. " I was cut off by his face going down to my neck as he began to create a hickey. 

I pulled at his black hoodie begging for more, but instead he pulled away from my neck smirking.  I let out a whine making him chuckle. " now your old best friend knows you belong to someone. " I groaned in frustration as he rolled off of me and over to the closet. I watched him while running my fingers over the stinging mark on my neck. He walked over to me handing me one of his black sweatshirts and a pair of my black joggers. Is he really letting me go outside?? I literally haven't stepped foot outside since I've been here!! 

I went to the bathroom an put on the clothes. Very comfortable stealth wear. I pulled on my black vans and pulled up my hood. Ekkkk. I was so excited. When I was at my old home, I was always outside or alone. I definitely haven't been alone here so that's one off the list, but now I get to go outside! Two off the list!! 

Calum grabbed my hand and walked me down stairs. He must have texted some people cause there was three boys dressed in our same attire. Hmm. Michael, Luke and.... Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. Harry. 

" really, we have to bring him?? " I asked Calum teasingly seeing Harry roll his eyes at me. 

Calum smiled and so did a few other people. Calum turned my body facing his and pushed sunglasses on my face. " Head down until we get in the car, Ok?? " He said and I nodded. I opened the front door and casually walked out. I saw a black Escalade waiting and I hoped inside going to the first row. Ashton sat in the front seat, a gun on his lap, and a hand gripping on the steering wheel, the other on the shift. His eyes were dead ahead and his body was tense. I pulled on my seat belt and sunk down as fear began to over whelm me. My hands were shaking and I jumped at every car and person the passed. 

                 After about 3 minutes the other boys started heading towards the car. They all got in including a person I had almost never seen. He had died faded blue hair and big blue eyes. He was as tatted up and pierced up as the others but looked very pure and kind. He didn't have the scowl on his face and just didn't look like a killer. " Harley, This is Niall. If something happens he is going to take you somewhere safe. " Calum said from beside me. " Not that I have anything against Niall, But why cant you?? " I asked glancing at Niall who was looking out the window. " because if something does happen I have to hunt down and kill the sons of bitches and I trust Niall with your life. " Calum said and I nodded in understanding. 

             We were a long way from the Pizza Hut seeing we have been on the rode for 10 minutes and we are still going. " Are we there yet?? " I repeated for about the 10th time. I just loved to bug Ashton. 

" Am i Parked yet?? No. Therefore we are not there yet OK??!! " He yelled and I smiled sitting back in my seat. I waited for about 30 seconds before leaning up to him again. " are we there yet?? " I whispered and he groaned loudly. I laughed and turned to see if anybody else was laughing but nobody was. Everybody had a scowl on their face including little old innocent looking Niall. " Ashton, why is everybody so serious?? " I asked softly and he sighed. " if you haven't noticed, There are a bunch of people trying to get you. Some will shoot us down, some might ram into us, or we could be being followed. " He whispered and I nodded sitting back in my seat and looking out the window.

     These boys are really willing to risk their lives for me?? Why?? I mean I get Calum loves me and I love him sure, but why save me from somebody willing to shoot us down, or ram into us?? That's really scary to me, I get that I am danger, and I mean I could just go to a different country or state or something surely the guys after me wont follow me that far right??

        What is wrong with my parents honestly?? Making a deal with me as a prize. What was the deal though?? That is something I often think about. 

My poor mind was whirling in all different directions and I couldn't even think about a single subject for longer than 30 seconds because more thoughts and subjects came to my mind. I think I am going crazy. 

Oh no. I was too deep in thought to notice we had pulled up to Pizza Hut. 

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